How to access the properties of a Repeater's children in QML?


Solution 1

You have to add a property to the direct child of the Repeater (Rectangle in your case) and set it as a target for the property in the internal child (Image in your case). You can then use mmm.itemAt(<index of the element>).<property> = value. Code:

Repeater {
  model : 10
    clip: true
    width: 54
    height: 80
    property int imageX: 0 //adding property here

    Image {
      x: parent.imageX //setting property as the target
      source: "images/tarama_lights.png"

You can then change the property like this:

onPropertyChange: {
  mmm.itemAt(index).imageX = newValue //the index defines which rectangle you change

Solution 2

JuliusG's answer is right in using itemAt. But it is not required to set it as a target for the property in the internal child (Image in your case). You can have your code as it is and instead of

onPropertyChange: {  mmm.itemAt(index).imageX = newValue //the index defines which rectangle you change }

use this:

onPropertyChange: {  mmm.itemAt(index).children[0].x = newValue //the index defines which rectangle you change }

Hope it helps.

serkan gezer
Author by

serkan gezer

Updated on May 10, 2020


  • serkan gezer
    serkan gezer about 4 years

    Can you tell me for below code that is there any way to change the imgx element properties. I have to change imgx.x value using javascript. Or is there any other way? I search qt docs but not helpfull. Thanks.

    Row {
        Repeater {
            model : 10
                clip: true
                width: 54
                height: 80
                Image {
                    source: "images/tarama_lights.png"
  • serkan gezer
    serkan gezer over 11 years
    Thanks. it is very helpfull.
  • MrPickles
    MrPickles about 8 years
    @JuliusG how would you get the index of whatever you clicked?
  • JuliusG
    JuliusG about 8 years
    @MrPickles have a look at the childAt(...) method:
  • Crawl.W
    Crawl.W about 5 years
    May this answer is the better one.