How to call a method defined in an AngularJS directive?


Solution 1

If you want to use isolated scopes you can pass a control object using bi-directional binding = of a variable from the controller scope. You can also control also several instances of the same directive on a page with the same control object.

angular.module('directiveControlDemo', [])

.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.focusinControl = {};

.directive('focusin', function factory() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    replace: true,
    template: '<div>A:{{internalControl}}</div>',
    scope: {
      control: '='
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      scope.internalControl = scope.control || {};
      scope.internalControl.takenTablets = 0;
      scope.internalControl.takeTablet = function() {
        scope.internalControl.takenTablets += 1;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="directiveControlDemo">
  <div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <button ng-click="focusinControl.takeTablet()">Call directive function</button>
      <b>In controller scope:</b>
      <b>In directive scope:</b>
      <focusin control="focusinControl"></focusin>
      <b>Without control object:</b>

Solution 2

Assuming that the action button uses the same controller $scope as the directive, just define function updateMap on $scope inside the link function. Your controller can then call that function when the action button is clicked.

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <button ng-click="updateMap()">call updateMap()</button>
app.directive('map', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<div></div>',
        link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
            $scope.updateMap = function() {
                alert('inside updateMap()');


As per @FlorianF's comment, if the directive uses an isolated scope, things are more complicated. Here's one way to make it work: add a set-fn attribute to the map directive which will register the directive function with the controller:

<map set-fn="setDirectiveFn(theDirFn)"></map>
<button ng-click="directiveFn()">call directive function</button>
scope: { setFn: '&' },
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
    scope.updateMap = function() {
       alert('inside updateMap()');
    scope.setFn({theDirFn: scope.updateMap});
function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.setDirectiveFn = function(directiveFn) {
        $scope.directiveFn = directiveFn;


Solution 3

Although it might be tempting to expose an object on the isolated scope of a directive to facilitate communicating with it, doing can lead to confusing "spaghetti" code, especially if you need to chain this communication through a couple levels (controller, to directive, to nested directive, etc.)

We originally went down this path but after some more research found that it made more sense and resulted in both more maintainable and readable code to expose events and properties that a directive will use for communication via a service then using $watch on that service's properties in the directive or any other controls that would need to react to those changes for communication.

This abstraction works very nicely with AngularJS's dependency injection framework as you can inject the service into any items that need to react to those events. If you look at the Angular.js file, you'll see that the directives in there also use services and $watch in this manner, they don't expose events over the isolated scope.

Lastly, in the case that you need to communicate between directives that are dependent on one another, I would recommend sharing a controller between those directives as the means of communication.

AngularJS's Wiki for Best Practices also mentions this:

Only use .$broadcast(), .$emit() and .$on() for atomic events Events that are relevant globally across the entire app (such as a user authenticating or the app closing). If you want events specific to modules, services or widgets you should consider Services, Directive Controllers, or 3rd Party Libs

  • $scope.$watch() should replace the need for events
  • Injecting services and calling methods directly is also useful for direct communication
  • Directives are able to directly communicate with each other through directive-controllers

Solution 4

Building on Oliver's answer - you might not always need to access a directive's inner methods, and in those cases you probably don't want to have to create a blank object and add a control attr to the directive just to prevent it from throwing an error (cannot set property 'takeTablet' of undefined).

You also might want to use the method in other places within the directive.

I would add a check to make sure scope.control exists, and set methods to it in a similar fashion to the revealing module pattern

app.directive('focusin', function factory() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    replace: true,
    template: '<div>A:{{control}}</div>',
    scope: {
      control: '='
    link : function (scope, element, attrs) {
      var takenTablets = 0;
      var takeTablet = function() {
        takenTablets += 1;  

      if (scope.control) {
        scope.control = {
          takeTablet: takeTablet

Solution 5

To be honest, I was not really convinced with any of the answers in this thread. So, here's are my solutions:

Directive Handler(Manager) Approach

This method is agnostic to whether the directive's $scope is a shared one or isolated one

A factory to register the directive instances

angular.module('myModule').factory('MyDirectiveHandler', function() {
    var instance_map = {};
    var service = {
        registerDirective: registerDirective,
        getDirective: getDirective,
        deregisterDirective: deregisterDirective

    return service;

    function registerDirective(name, ctrl) {
        instance_map[name] = ctrl;

    function getDirective(name) {
        return instance_map[name];

    function deregisterDirective(name) {
        instance_map[name] = null;

The directive code, I usually put all the logic that doesn't deal with DOM inside directive controller. And registering the controller instance inside our handler

angular.module('myModule').directive('myDirective', function(MyDirectiveHandler) {
    var directive = {
        link: link,
        controller: controller

    return directive;

    function link() {
        //link fn code

    function controller($scope, $attrs) {
        var name = $;

        this.updateMap = function() {
            //some code

        MyDirectiveHandler.registerDirective(name, this);

        $scope.$on('destroy', function() {

template code

<div my-directive name="foo"></div>

Access the controller instance using the factory & run the publicly exposed methods

angular.module('myModule').controller('MyController', function(MyDirectiveHandler, $scope) {
    $scope.someFn = function() {

Angular's approach

Taking a leaf out of angular's book on how they deal with

<form name="my_form"></form>

using $parse and registering controller on $parent scope. This technique doesn't work on isolated $scope directives.

angular.module('myModule').directive('myDirective', function($parse) {
    var directive = {
        link: link,
        controller: controller,
        scope: true

    return directive;

    function link() {
        //link fn code

    function controller($scope, $attrs) {
        $parse($$scope.$parent, this);

        this.updateMap = function() {
            //some code

Access it inside controller using $

angular.module('myModule').controller('MyController', function($scope) {
    $scope.someFn = function() {

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Innovation for passion

Updated on June 17, 2020


  • mcbjam
    mcbjam about 4 years

    I have a directive, here is the code :

    .directive('map', function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            replace: true,
            template: '<div></div>',
            link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
                var center = new google.maps.LatLng(50.1, 14.4); 
                $scope.map_options = {
                    zoom: 14,
                    center: center,
                    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
                // create map
                var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(, $scope.map_options);
                var dirService= new google.maps.DirectionsService();
                var dirRenderer= new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer()
                var showDirections = function(dirResult, dirStatus) {
                    if (dirStatus != google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
                        alert('Directions failed: ' + dirStatus);
                      // Show directions
                // Watch
                var updateMap = function(){
                    dirService.route($scope.dirRequest, showDirections); 
                $scope.$watch('dirRequest.origin', updateMap);
                google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function() {
                    $scope.map_options.zoom = map.getZoom();
                dirService.route($scope.dirRequest, showDirections);  

    I would like to call updateMap() on a user action. The action button is not on the directive.

    What is the best way to call updateMap() from a controller?

    • Noam
      Noam about 9 years
      Small side note: the convention is not to use the dollar sign for 'scope' in a link function, as the scope is not injected but passed in as a regular argument.
  • Florian F
    Florian F about 11 years
    What if the directive has an isolated scope ?
  • Florian F
    Florian F about 11 years
    Thanks! (Maybe it would be easier to call a function defined in the directive's controller but I'm not sure about that)
  • romiem
    romiem almost 11 years
    +1 This is also how I create APIs for my reusable components in Angular.
  • Blake Miller
    Blake Miller over 10 years
    This is cleaner than the accepted answer, and +1 for the simpsons reference, if I'm not mistaken
  • Dema
    Dema over 10 years
    That's exatcly how I solved the same problem. It works, but it looks like a hack... I wish angular had a better solution for this.
  • BLSully
    BLSully over 10 years
    I'm learning angular, so my opinion may not hold much weight, but I found this approach much more intuitive than the other answer and would have marked it the correct answer. I implemented this in my sandbox application with zero trouble.
  • CheapSteaks
    CheapSteaks over 10 years
    You should probably do a check to make sure scope.control exists, otherwise other places that use the directive but don't need to access the directive's methods and don't have a control attr will start throwing errors about not being able to set attributes on undefined
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand over 10 years
    Updated the example to also work if no external control object is given. Thanks to CheapSteaks.
  • Cabes234
    Cabes234 almost 10 years
    I don't understand why this works.. is it because the clear attribute is in scope some how?
  • Trevor
    Trevor almost 10 years
    It becomes a part of the directive's scope as soon as you declare it (e.g. scope: { clearFn: '=clearfn' }).
  • VitalyB
    VitalyB almost 10 years
    I like this solution a lot. My only gripe with it is the need to create an empty object before calling a directive: $scope.focusinControl = { }; that just looks wrong.
  • Egel
    Egel about 9 years
    This hack works well only for calling a function without any parameters. See an example with passing a single parameter - example plunk.
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand about 9 years
    The hack also works with parameters. You have to put them on the $scope in order to be accessible, e.g. $scope.num = 4 instead of num = 4.
  • JSancho
    JSancho about 9 years
    spot on, using a revealing pattern inside the directive makes the intentions far clearer. nice one!
  • GentryRiggen
    GentryRiggen about 9 years
    Is anyone finding that the method you place on the control is not defined right away? If you wrap the external call to the internal method with a $timeout of only 100ms it works, but I don't like that solution... Anyone else?
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand about 9 years
    @GentryRiggen: I guess you want to call the directive method during construction of the scope? In this case I would suggest to change the directive that it takes whatever you want to communicate to the directive with the method as an separate argument. (Haven't deeply read it, but maybe also check!topic/angular/4rbZi97QCGc)
  • GentryRiggen
    GentryRiggen about 9 years
    @OliverWienand I found out that I was getting undefined methods when doing an ng-if in the HTML around the directive. As soon as I removed it, everything was good to. Thanks for the reply!
  • Mikhail Batcer
    Mikhail Batcer almost 9 years
    The question was, "What is the best way to call updateMap() from a controller?". In this answer, I don't see any function calls in the controller. Could someone please tell me where it is?
  • stanleyxu2005
    stanleyxu2005 almost 9 years
    I reached to two solutions intuitively: (1) watch the change of a scope variable =, the variable contains method name and arguments. (2) expose a one-way-bind string @ as topic id and let callee send event on this topic. Now I saw the best practice wiki. I think there is reason not to do it in may way. But I'm still not very clear, how it works. In my case, I created a tabset directive, I want to expose a switchTab(tabIndex) method. Could you example more?
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand almost 9 years
    @MikhailBatcer: The call to focusinControl.takeTablet() within ng-click is more or less within the controller. You can also call $scope.focusinControl.takeTablet() anywhere within the controller itself. I put it on ng-click just for brevity and to avoid unnecessary stubs.
  • Mikhail Batcer
    Mikhail Batcer almost 9 years
    @OliverWienand OK, I see now, thank you. But I'm not sure in one more thing: what is the magical way by which $scope.focusinControl references the same object, as does scope.internalControl inside the directive? Is it by attribute control="focusinControl" in directive's <focusin> tag?
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand almost 9 years
    @MikhailBatcer yes. The directive gets a new reference to the object referenced by $scope.focusinControl and hence the method put on the object by the directive is also accessible from the original reference. The line scope.internalControl = scope.control || {}; is where the magic happens ;)
  • Jan Peša
    Jan Peša over 8 years
    This proposal would need a bit more work in a real world when you have multiple directives of same type depending on your API service. You will sure get in a situation where you need to target and call functions from only one specific directive and not all of them. Would you like to enhance your answer with a solution to this?
  • Martin Frank
    Martin Frank about 8 years
    This is much better way if you are not dealing with an isolated scope.
  • Daniel D
    Daniel D almost 8 years
    "Angular's approach" looks great! There's a typo though: $ should be $scope.my_form
  • Mudassir Ali
    Mudassir Ali almost 8 years
    Nah, it would be $ since our template is <div my-directive name="foo"></div> and name attribute's value is 'foo'. <form is just an example of one of the angular's directive which employs this technique
  • CodeGems
    CodeGems almost 8 years
    thanks a lot. I was looking for this. I needed this as the last piece of a puzzle to start creating reusable angular components.
  • Suamere
    Suamere over 7 years
    You wouldn't expose a switchTab(tabIndex) method, you would only bind to a tabIndex variable. Your page controller may have actions that change that variable. You bind/pass that variable into your tab Directive. Your tab Directive can then watch that variable for changes, and perform switchTab of its own accord. Because the directive decides when/how to control its tabs based on a variable. That isn't the job of an external source, otherwise the external sources requires knowledge of the inner workings of the directive, which is bad m'kay.
  • Alburkerk
    Alburkerk about 7 years
    How can you be sure the directive have already set the function attribute before calling the function from the controller ?
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand about 7 years
    @Alburkerk: Did you check my reply to @GentryRiggen?
  • Alburkerk
    Alburkerk about 7 years
    @OliverWienand Yes but I didn't want to use a controller especially for that directive. What I did was simply put the binding in the pre link function and it worked. Thank you for your reply !
  • Daniel G.
    Daniel G. almost 7 years
    This answer does actually answers the OP question. It does also use isolated scope, in order to have an isolated scope you only need to add the scope property into the directive declaration.
  • Alexander Mills
    Alexander Mills over 6 years
    the problem for me (I am on Angular 1.6) is that scope.internalControl.takeTablet is not being set before it gets called.
  • Oliver Wienand
    Oliver Wienand over 6 years
    @AlexanderMills: I just tested it in this plunk and it seems fine with 1.6.5.
  • Alexander Mills
    Alexander Mills over 6 years
    @OliverWienand thanks yeah I am sure there is something different about the code I am using
  • Alexander Mills
    Alexander Mills over 6 years
    @OliverWienand I figured it out - when I used restrict: "EA", link() does not get called. When I used restrict "E", then link() gets called. Unexpected.