How to convert string labels to one-hot vectors in TensorFlow?


Solution 1

It's been more than 2 years since this question was asked, but this answer might still be relevant for some. Here's one simple way to transform string labels into one-hot vectors in TF:

import tensorflow as tf

vocab = ['a', 'b', 'c']

input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=(None,))
matches = tf.stack([tf.equal(input, s) for s in vocab], axis=-1)
onehot = tf.cast(matches, tf.float32)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    out =, feed_dict={input: ['c', 'a']})
    print(out) # prints [[0. 0. 1.]
               #         [1. 0. 0.]]

Solution 2

You may want to try to feed your index variable into a placeholder, which, in turn gets transformed into a one-hot vector via tf.one_hot? Something along these lines:

lbl = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [YOUR_BATCH_SIZE])
lbl_one_hot = tf.one_hot(lbl, YOUR_VOCAB_SIZE, 1.0, 0.0)
lb_h =[lbl_one_hot], feed_dict={lbl: index})

Not sure if you are doing things in batches, so if not in your case YOUR_BATCH_SIZE might be irrelevant. You can also do it using numpy.zeros, but I find the above cleaner and easier, especially with batching.

Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I'm new to TensorFlow and would like to read a comma separated values (csv) file, containing 2 columns, column 1 the index, and column 2 a label string. I have the following code which reads lines in the csv file line by line and I am able to get the data in the csv file correctly using print statements. However, I would like to do one-hot encoding conversion from the string labels and do not how to do it in TensorFlow. The final goal is to use the tf.train.batch() function so I can get batches of one-hot label vectors to train a neural network.

    As you can see in the code below, I can create a one-hot vector for each of the label entries manually within a TensorFlow session. But how do I use the tf.train.batch() function? If I move the line

    label_batch = tf.train.batch([col2], batch_size=5)

    into the TensorFlow session block (replacing col2 with label_one_hot), the program blocks doing nothing. I tried to move the one-hot vector conversion outside the TensorFlow session but I failed to get it to work correctly. What is the correct way to do it? Please help.

    label_files = []
    print "label_files: ", label_files
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(label_files)
    reader = tf.TextLineReader()
    key, value =
    print "key:", key, ", value:", value
    record_defaults = [['default_id'], ['default_label']]
    col1, col2 = tf.decode_csv(value, record_defaults=record_defaults)
    num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(LABEL_FILE))
    label_batch = tf.train.batch([col2], batch_size=5)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        coordinator = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coordinator)
        for i in range(100):
            column1, column2 =[col1, col2])
            index = 0
            if column2 == 'airplane':
                index = 0
            elif column2 == 'automobile':
                index = 1
            elif column2 == 'bird':
                index = 2
            elif column2 == 'cat':
                index = 3
            elif column2 == 'deer':
                index = 4
            elif column2 == 'dog':
                index = 5
            elif column2 == 'frog':
                index = 6
            elif column2 == 'horse':
                index = 7
            elif column2 == 'ship':
                index = 8
            elif column2 == 'truck':
                index = 9
            label_one_hot = tf.one_hot([index], 10)  # depth=10 for 10 categories
            print "column1:", column1, ", column2:", column2
            # print "onehot label:",[label_one_hot])