How to create a bold, red text label in Qt?


Solution 1

Try using HTML formatting: <b><font... etc </b>.

Qt Designer does it like this: <span style=" font-size:8pt; font-weight:600; color:#aa0000;">TextLabel</span>

Solution 2

You can use Qt StyleSheets and set the styleSheet property of QLabel

warning->setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold; color: red");

Qt supports most CSS styles on its QWidget-derived classes. You don't need to set the text format to Qt::RichText for this to work.

Solution 3

Qt uses a simple HTML subset for formatting.

Solution 4

You can also do it programmatically using the settext function. Something like this:

QString labelText = "<P><b><i><font color='#ff0000' font_size=4>";
labelText .append("Text what u want to display");
labelText .append("</font></i></b></P></br>");
QLabel label->setText(labelText);

You can do it in a single line as well.


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I am an scientist / engineer with specialization in signal processing and audio technology.

Updated on May 26, 2020


  • bastibe
    bastibe about 4 years

    I want to write a single, bold red line in my application using Qt.

    As far as I understand, I would create a QLabel, set its textFormat to rich text and give it a rich text string to display:

    QLabel *warning = new QLabel;
    warning->setText("{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252 {\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\\colortbl;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;} \\f0 \\cf0 this is bold red text}");

    I tested this rich text string in a rich text editor and it displays fine.

    But Qt displays the whole string with all braces, keywords and backslashes instead of "this is bold red text". What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you for your help.

  • dwj
    dwj over 11 years
    You may need to set the QLabel's textFormat attribute to Qt::RichText.
  • Dean P
    Dean P almost 5 years
    <b> and </b> shows as text and doesnt format when used on a QLabel
  • ephemerr
    ephemerr almost 4 years
    Answering my own comment: it is becouse first part(title) was in font tag with size set to relative value and other body wasn't in it...