How to create a directive with a dynamic template in AngularJS?


Solution 1

Had a similar need. $compile does the job. (Not completely sure if this is "THE" way to do it, still working my way through angular) - my exploration test.

One thing to note (per my example), one of my requirements was that the template would change based on a type attribute once you clicked save, and the templates were very different. So though, you get the data binding, if need a new template in there, you will have to recompile.

Solution 2

i've used the $templateCache to accomplish something similar. i put several ng-templates in a single html file, which i reference using the directive's templateUrl. that ensures the html is available to the template cache. then i can simply select by id to get the ng-template i want.


<script type="text/ng-template" id=“foo”>

<script type="text/ng-template" id=“bar”>


myapp.directive(‘foobardirective’, ['$compile', '$templateCache', function ($compile, $templateCache) {

    var getTemplate = function(data) {
        // use data to determine which template to use
        var templateid = 'foo';
        var template = $templateCache.get(templateid);
        return template;

    return {
        templateUrl: 'views/partials/template.html',
        scope: {data: '='},
        restrict: 'E',
        link: function(scope, element) {
            var template = getTemplate(;


Solution 3

You should move your switch into the template by using the 'ng-switch' directive:

module.directive('testForm', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        controllerAs: 'form',
        controller: function ($scope) {
            console.log("Form controller initialization");
            var self = this;
            this.fields = {};
            this.addField = function(field) {
                console.log("New field: ", field);
                self.fields[] = field;

module.directive('formField', function () {
    return {
        require: "^testForm",
            '<div ng-switch="field.fieldType">' +
            '    <span>{{title}}:</span>' +
            '    <input' +
            '        ng-switch-when="text"' +
            '        name="{{}}"' +
            '        type="text"' +
            '        ng-model="field.value"' +
            '    />' +
            '    <select' +
            '        ng-switch-when="select"' +
            '        name="{{}}"' +
            '        ng-model="field.value"' +
            '        ng-options="option for option in options">' +
            '        <option value=""></option>' +
            '    </select>' +
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        scope: {
            fieldType: "@",
            title: "@",
            name: "@",
            value: "@",
            options: "=",
        link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, form) {
            $scope.field = $scope;

It can be use like this:

        User '{{!}}' will be a {{!form.fields.role.value}}
    <form-field title="Email" name="email" field-type="text" value="[email protected]"></form-field>
    <form-field title="Role" name="role" field-type="select" options="['Cook', 'Eater']"></form-field>
    <form-field title="Sex" name="sex" field-type="select" options="['Awesome', 'So-so', 'awful']"></form-field>

Solution 4

One way is using a template function in your directive:

template: function(tElem, tAttrs){
    return '<div ng-include="' + tAttrs.template + '" />';

Solution 5

If you want to use AngularJs Directive with dynamic template, you can use those answers,But here is more professional and legal syntax of it.You can use templateUrl not only with single value.You can use it as a function,which returns a value as url.That function has some arguments,which you can use.

Author by


Updated on November 30, 2020


  • teepusink
    teepusink over 3 years

    How can I create a directive with a dynamic template?

    'use strict';
    app.directive('ngFormField', function($compile) {
    return {
        transclude: true,
        scope: {
            label: '@'
        template: '<label for="user_email">{{label}}</label>',
        // append
        replace: true,
        // attribute restriction
        restrict: 'E',
        // linking method
        link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
            switch (attrs['type']) {
                case "text":
                    // append input field to "template"
                case "select":
                    // append select dropdown to "template"
    <ng-form-field label="First Name" type="text"></ng-form-field>

    This is what I have right now, and it is displaying the label correctly. However, I'm not sure on how to append additional HTML to the template. Or combining 2 templates into 1.