How to enable OpenGL 2.0 and WebGL on GMA 3150?


Solution 1

  1. Install driconf from the software center .

  2. Press Alt + F2 and type driconf and press enter .

  3. Change Enable limited ARB_fragment_shader support on 915/945 from No to Yes by clicking on the button next to it

Solution 2

Ubuntu 10.10 should contain the drivers for the GMA 3150. This seems a slightly odd situation, with the Intel website saying:

Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 supports OpenGL* 1.5 with Microsoft* Windows* and OpenGL* 2.0 with Linux*

I would suggest you report a bug, by pressing Alt+F2 and entering ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel. This will automatically attach information about your hardware setup to the bug report. This way the Ubuntu graphics team will get to see your problem and help you solve it.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • mahmoudelbadry
    mahmoudelbadry almost 2 years

    I have a Dell Mini 1012 which has an Intel N450 processor and GMA 3150 integrated graphics card running Ubuntu 10.10. According to Intel's website the graphics card supports OpenGL 2.0.

    But when I type glxinfo in terminal the OpenGL version string gives me the following

    OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 7.9-devel

    I have installed the latest drivers but it didn't work. So, how can I enable OpenGL 2.0 on this card?

  • Code.Decode
    Code.Decode over 13 years
  • Luis Alvarado
    Luis Alvarado about 13 years
    This might solve a problem i was having with 2 dv6700 laptops.
  • tuk0z
    tuk0z almost 7 years
    Thank you but: Dell Inspiron Mini 1012 here as well, Ubuntu 16.04 (times passes by) up-to-date, mpv won't use OpenGL. To enabe OpenGL 2.0 features I also set "Enable stub ARB_occlusion_query support on 915/945" to Yes in the « Deboguage » tab. Source