How to PRINT a screen using a keyboard shortcut?


In "system settings" go to "Keyboard" ==> "Shortcuts" and then click on "Screenshots" and now you can edit what ever key you like to be your "screenshot key" have fun


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user274600
    user274600 almost 2 years

    Since Windows 95 I have used Alfred Bollinger's PrintKey program to print what is on the screen. I have just started Ubuntu and can not find a keyboard shortcut that will let me PRINT what is on the screen. Although sometimes it is nice to save a copy of the screen, I want to just print what is on my screen whether it is using FireFox, or just the desktop. Please is there some way to map the key to print? Do you all know of a program that would work with UBuntu and do this?

    Reply: (I still haven't figured out yet how to get the comments up so will do it here) Thank You all. I will try the various suggestions until I find one that fits me. I believed there had to be a way to redefine the keys, but don't have enough knowledge yet of Ubuntu. I'll post which one works best for me when I decide. Thanks again.

    • Louis Matthijssen
      Louis Matthijssen about 10 years
      What do you mean exactly? If you press the Print Screen key on your keyboard Ubuntu will save an image of the screen in your Pictures directory.
    • Rinzwind
      Rinzwind about 10 years
      that ^^ and one of the programs that rock when taking pixs: shutter.
    • user274600
      user274600 about 10 years
      What I have been accustomed to is to press the PrtScn button and have a copy of the screen sent to the printer. With both Windows and Ubuntu, PrtScn button sends a copy to the clipboard. I want a way to change this behavior and send a print to the printer. Below are some good suggestions that I intend to try.
  • v2r
    v2r about 10 years
    Why not use the pre-configured Screenshots option [3rd option from top] and simply customize both shortcuts there?
  • Christopher B. Adkins
    Christopher B. Adkins about 10 years
    Sometimes he/she may want to save a screenshot to a file
  • v2r
    v2r about 10 years
    For me it does exactly that: 'Take Screenshot', followed by 'Save Screenshot' option, in form of two dialog windows!