How to print multiple Excel sheets into a single PDF file?


Solution 1

I tried multiple times to give the two separate sheets the same page margins and page properties, but it didn't help me one bit.

I fixed this with an Automator task that took me quite a while to work out, but once it worked, it helped me a lot.

Thanks for all the answers, though I really did specify in my question that I did do all the suggested solutions before posting.

Solution 2

Select Multiple sheets using Ctrl and then print using pdf writer to get one single file vijay

Solution 3

Just print the excel sheets into separate PDF files and join them using Adobe Acrobat Professional, if you have it. If not, don't sweat it: there's the brilliant open source PDF toolkit. Here's a short tutorial explaining how combine multiple PDFs.

It's very simple:

pdftk sheet1.pdf sheet2.pdf cat output sheets_all.pdf

Note that you can use wildcards and that the order of input determines the page ordering.

Solution 4

Select the sheets you want in your pdf file (make sure you print preview / set print areas in each sheet that you want to print) and "save as" pdf. Makes a pdf file with all selected worksheets.


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Anriëtte Myburgh
Author by

Anriëtte Myburgh

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Anriëtte Myburgh
    Anriëtte Myburgh almost 2 years

    I am trying to print multiple sheets from the same Excel workbook into ONE PDF file. But it frequently prints them separately or only the first sheet.

    I selected all the sheets and made them have the same page setup. I am working on Tiger and from the Print dialogue, I click on the left-hand bottom button, "Save PDF" and from there I choose "Save PDF-X".

    Anyone have another solution for me?

    • Admin
      Admin over 14 years
      For those using Excel on Windows: on a Mac, the print dialog always has an option to save as PDF as well. As such, I guess it doesn't really matter that the question asker needs PDF; the question could probably also read "How to print multiple Excel sheets in one go?", regardless whether it is really printed on paper, or "printed" to another format.
  • Anriëtte Myburgh
    Anriëtte Myburgh over 14 years
    Thank you, this is very helpful, but I am actually looking for a more permanent solution/fix. I print quotes to PDF everyday and need this to work better.
  • Paul Lammertsma
    Paul Lammertsma over 14 years
    All I can really think of is making a fairly generic batch file using wildcards. The other extreme is writing a PHP/PEAR based exporter: there are well-established packages for reading XLS files and writing PDF files, but that would be seriously overkill.
  • Arjan
    Arjan over 14 years
    Indeed, it's not the solution. But for the archives: for joining PDF documents one can easily use Preview as well. Just open one PDF document, make Preview show its sidebar, and then drag another on top of the existing thumbnail in the sidebar. (Ensure not to drag it below or above the existing thumbnail in the sidebar; you really must drag it on top of the existing thumbnail.) After dropping it, the thumbnail will become a comb bound booklet, which can be expanded or collapsed into a single thumbnail in the sidebar as well. Expand it and drag the thumbnails to reorder if needed.
  • Arjan
    Arjan over 14 years
    PDFCreator is Windows-only (and probably would not add much functionality to a Mac).
  • Anriëtte Myburgh
    Anriëtte Myburgh about 14 years
    @Arjan Thanks, I tried that, but it is specific to Preview on Leopard or later and I was using Preview on Tiger.
  • Paul Lammertsma
    Paul Lammertsma about 14 years
    There might be an Apple Script solution out there that combines printing from Excel and PDF toolkit into a single click of a button, but I'm not familiar enough with Apple Script. Perhaps shoot a question on Stack Overflow and somebody can give you something that you can simply plug.
  • Paul Lammertsma
    Paul Lammertsma about 14 years
    Actually, this seems about as good as Automator. Does it just bring up all the PDFs, or actually combine them? I'm curious how it worked out.
  • Anriëtte Myburgh
    Anriëtte Myburgh about 14 years
    What happened was the quotes always contained 2 pages, the first one being always the same. So I just printed the second one as PDF to the Desktop. Selected both on the Desktop and right clicked -> Folder Actions -> Combiine PDFs (my custom task). It takes the files and sorts them alphabetically (declining in my case) and then combines the PDF's and saves it to a new file on the Desktop.
  • Arjan
    Arjan about 14 years
    Good you found a solution. Please share the main details about that Automator task then?
  • Anriëtte Myburgh
    Anriëtte Myburgh about 14 years
    The whole of the Automator task is described in the comment just above your's.
  • Admin
    Admin about 14 years
    I did that as well, but it still just gives me separate PDF's instead of one PDF with multiple pages in it.