how to save powerpoint presentation as read only recommended


Goto File -> Info-> Protect Presentation and select the option that best suits your needs. Based on your description, you need to select 'Mark as Final'. Here's a screenshot that shows the location of the various tabs.

enter image description here


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • dina
    dina over 1 year

    I am using the Iris flower data set:

    Enter image description here

    In the species, I have three different items of information:

    ['setosa' 'versicolor' 'virginica']

    I want to filter out all rows and all rows where Species= 'setosa' and Petal.width'= 0.4:

    df[df['Species']!='setosa' & (df['Petal.width'] != '0.4')]

    The problem is that this function delete all rows which contain df['Species']=='setosa' and all rows which contains df['Petal.width'] == '0.4'.

    I want to apply two conditions in the same time.

    How do I solve the problem?