How to use the QtVirtualKeyboard


Solution 1

Ok, I finally succeeded. Though it is indeed very close to the documentation I don't think the documentation is easily understood. Therefor I will post this step-by-step-guid, where I will clear my own misconceptions.

  1. Download the sourcecode from the git-repository
  2. Open the project with the QtCreator, and run it with the configuration release
    It will create some directories and files in your Qt-installation dir. You do not need to add anything in your project directory. Once done and your good for all projects to come.
  3. Make sure, you set the QT_IM_MODULE environment variable to include qtvirtualkeyboard. My mistake was, to assume (I don't know why) this might be done in the projects .pro-file. This seems to be wrong. The C++-method seems safe:
    qputenv("QT_IM_MODULE", QByteArray("qtvirtualkeyboard"));

  4. If you want to have the keyboard within your application, add
    CONFIG += disable-desktop to your projects .pro-file

  5. Have fun!

Solution 2

If you select the Qt Virtual Keyboard component under a particular Qt version, you should get the prebuilt binaries:

Maintenance Tool

The Qt Enterprise Add-ons component has a virtual keyboard sub-component (?) which might only give you the sources.. not sure.

If you really need to have the module in your project's Git repo, it might be easier to just add it as a submodule, and reference that in a "3rdparty" SUBDIRS sub-project.

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I am always up for the challange of learning new technologies, digging deep and trying to understand the concepts and the 'magic' that drives the technology, to finally understand how to utilize it's maximum potential. I am not into a specific technology but into using the right technology for the right problem in the right way. I feel SO is not only a place where you get help when you have a question, but also a great place to learn by answering questions. A good SO question is like a good exercise from a course - an isolated riddle to solve. And suddenly you discover a new way to tackle your own, longstanding problems.

Updated on June 20, 2022


  • derM
    derM about 2 years

    I try to integrate the QtVirtualKeyboard into a prototype, but I fail. It is the first time I work with multiple projects or where I have to include non-basic-stuff in QML/QMake-Project.

    I got the code from the git-repository and were successfully running the examples. But now I am puzzled on how to integrate it into my own project.

    My project structure is as follows

    Proto (dir)
     +- main.cpp
     +- ...
     +---QML (dir)                     <--- QML-Files
     |    +-main.qml
     |    +---CustomControls (dir)
     |    +---...
     +---CPP (dir)                     <--- C++-Files and Headers
     +---RES                           <--- Icons and stuff

    Now I thought I might just add the src-project from the virtual keyboard to the root-folder (Proto), and add something like:

    SUBDIR += src/

    to the
    => Yes, I can do that, but there is no merrit in it.

    So what do I need to do, to actually use it? It must be really easy, for I can't find any question regarding it anywhere on google, youtube or SO.

    EDIT => I still fail. This is my story:

    I tried the deployment-method, followed the instructions here.
    As I'd prefer to have the keyboard within the application, I did the following:

    1. I added the make install-stept
    2. I passed qmake an additional argument "CONFIG+=disable-desktop

    It seemed to work. Got new files in the mentioned directories:

    • C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\qml\QtQuick\VirtualKeyboard
    • C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\qml\QtQuick\Virtualkeyboard\Styles
    • C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\plugins\platforminputcontexts\

    Now in my project, I added the line

    QT_IM_MODULE=qtvirtualkeyboard myapp

    And tried to import it in my main.qml

    import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0 // (also tried it with 2.1)

    I got the error:

    [path]/main.qml:10 module "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard" is not installed

    And that concludes my story sofar. Any suggestions where I failed?