if a ngSrc path resolves to a 404, is there a way to fallback to a default?


Solution 1

It's a pretty simple directive to watch for an error loading an image and to replace the src. (Plunker)


<img ng-src="smiley.png" err-src="http://google.com/favicon.ico" />


var app = angular.module("MyApp", []);

app.directive('errSrc', function() {
  return {
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      element.bind('error', function() {
        if (attrs.src != attrs.errSrc) {
          attrs.$set('src', attrs.errSrc);

If you want to display the error image when ngSrc is blank you can add this (Plunker):

attrs.$observe('ngSrc', function(value) {
  if (!value && attrs.errSrc) {
    attrs.$set('src', attrs.errSrc);

The problem is that ngSrc doesn't update the src attribute if the value is blank.

Solution 2

Little late to the party, though I came up with a solution to more or less the same issue in a system I'm building.

My idea was, though, to handle EVERY image img tag globally.

I didn't want to have to pepper my HTML with unnecessary directives, such as the err-src ones shown here. Quite often, especially with dynamic images, you won't know if it's missing until its too late. Adding extra directives on the off-chance an image is missing seems overkill to me.

Instead, I extend the existing img tag - which, really, is what Angular directives are all about.

So - this is what I came up with.

Note: This requires the full JQuery library to be present and not just the JQlite Angular ships with because we're using .error()

You can see it in action at this Plunker

The directive looks pretty much like this:

app.directive('img', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',        
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {     
            // show an image-missing image
            element.error(function () {
                var w = element.width();
                var h = element.height();
                // using 20 here because it seems even a missing image will have ~18px width 
                // after this error function has been called
                if (w <= 20) { w = 100; }
                if (h <= 20) { h = 100; }
                var url = 'http://placehold.it/' + w + 'x' + h + '/cccccc/ffffff&text=Oh No!';
                element.prop('src', url);
                element.css('border', 'double 3px #cccccc');

When an error occurs (which will be because the image doesn't exist or is unreachable etc) we capture and react. You can attempt to get the image sizes too - if they were present on the image/style in the first place. If not, then set yourself a default.

This example is using placehold.it for an image to show instead.

Now EVERY image, regardless of using src or ng-src has itself covered in case nothing loads up...

Solution 3

To expand Jason solution to catch both cases of a loading error or an empty source string, we can just add a watch.


<img ng-src="smiley.png" err-src="http://google.com/favicon.ico" />


var app = angular.module("MyApp", []);

app.directive('errSrc', function() {
  return {
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

      var watcher = scope.$watch(function() {
          return attrs['ngSrc'];
        }, function (value) {
          if (!value) {
            element.attr('src', attrs.errSrc);  

      element.bind('error', function() {
        element.attr('src', attrs.errSrc);

      //unsubscribe on success
      element.bind('load', watcher);


Solution 4

App.directive('checkImage', function ($q) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            attrs.$observe('ngSrc', function (ngSrc) {
                var deferred = $q.defer();
                var image = new Image();
                image.onerror = function () {
                    element.attr('src', BASE_URL + '/assets/images/default_photo.png'); // set default image
                image.onload = function () {
                image.src = ngSrc;
                return deferred.promise;

in HTML :

<img class="img-circle" check-image ng-src="{{item.profileImg}}" />

Solution 5

If image is 404 or image is null empty whatever there is no need for directives you can simply use ng-src filter like this :)

<img ng-src="{{ p.image || 'img/no-image.png' }}" />
Author by


I am a UI Developer for Fossil, Inc. I focus on building internal applications using Angular JS. Skillset: Javascript, jQuery, AngularJS, HTML/CSS, Canvas development.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • will_hardin
    will_hardin almost 2 years

    The application I'm building requires my user to set 4 pieces of information before this image even has a chance of loading. This image is the center-piece of the application, so the broken image link makes it look like the whole thing is borked. I'd like to have another image take its place on a 404.

    Any ideas? I'd like to avoid writing a custom directive for this.

    I was surprised that I couldn't find a similar question, especially when the first question in the docs is the same one!


  • will_hardin
    will_hardin about 11 years
    Sorry, I should've clarified that even if all 4 values are set, the URL can still 404 (the user can add folders along the way.) In the meantime I've added a function that checks the URL's response headers when all values are set. It still would be nice to handle this without special treatment, I bet I'll come across this again :)
  • Alex Osborn
    Alex Osborn about 11 years
    Cool, you should show that as an answer and mark it as accepted for anyone searching in future.
  • holographic-principle
    holographic-principle almost 11 years
    ng-if made it into the core btw (as of 1.1.5 if I am not mistaken).
  • Stephen Patten
    Stephen Patten almost 11 years
    Works well if the url is broken (404), but if it's an empty string ng-src silently swallows the error.
  • alonisser
    alonisser over 10 years
    Nice code, but seems an overkill to add a watch for what can be easily checked with ng-if in the template (the empty src string)
  • Justin Lovero
    Justin Lovero over 10 years
    If an empty string is not valid for your model, then make it so that the expression you are binding to with ng-src does not return an empty string.
  • Ryan Schumacher
    Ryan Schumacher over 10 years
    Updated script to support use of src attribute for the err-src image: plnkr.co/edit/b05WtghBOHkxKdttZ8q5
  • Jason Goemaat
    Jason Goemaat almost 10 years
    Seems like you could just replace ngSrc with your own directive and have it set up the bind on error to use errSrc instead of having a separate errSrc directive if that's what you want. You could use attrs.$observe('ngSrc', function(value) {...});, that's what ngSrc uses internally instead of $watch
  • Jason Goemaat
    Jason Goemaat almost 10 years
    The whole problem with blanks is because ngSrc doesn't update the src attribute if the value is blank, so if you had your own directive replacing ngSrc it wouldn't need a blank check.
  • Matthijs
    Matthijs over 9 years
    very nice solution ! let's vote this one to the top !
  • Jason Goemaat
    Jason Goemaat over 9 years
    @JustinLovero I consider it a bug in angular and reported it. The problem is that ngSrc will not set the src attribute if the value is blank. That could actually be a problem if for instance you are displaying a phone and load another phone with ajax that is missing an image url. The old phone's image would continue being displayed, but I think an error or placeholder would be more appropriate. Yes you could handle it in your model but the behavior of leaving an old image is, I think, more wrong than displaying an error.
  • simeg
    simeg over 9 years
    @JasonGoemaat, how would I do to replace the broken image with text?
  • Ivan Carosati
    Ivan Carosati over 9 years
    If the err-src return a 404, the code just keep cycling causing thousands of error in console.. Any idea?
  • user2899845
    user2899845 over 9 years
    @Pokono - it may keep cycling if the link to the substitute image you provided isn't available. Does it help?
  • Ivan Carosati
    Ivan Carosati over 9 years
    Yes, exactly. I believe that should stop though. Does anyone can think of a fix?
  • user2899845
    user2899845 over 9 years
    @Pokono - you can check inside the error function whether the current 'src' attribute is the same as 'errSrc'.
  • James Gentes
    James Gentes over 9 years
    No, if p.image returns a 404 on an AJAX call, it will treat that as 'true' and not move on to the second img/no-image.png.
  • James Gentes
    James Gentes over 9 years
    This is correct, as it evaluates "team.logo" as a string (true/false) whereas ng-src will see {{team.logo}} as true even if it returns a 404.
  • Pompey
    Pompey over 9 years
    This is quite beautiful I have to say. I actually don't want any image to show at all if it doesn't resolve so I used: element.css("display", "none"); to just hide it totally
  • Darren Wainwright
    Darren Wainwright over 9 years
    nice :) or you could simply remove it from the DOM altogether, with element.remove(); :)
  • shanemgrey
    shanemgrey about 9 years
    @JamesGentes - That doesn't seem to be the case. This use of ng-src works for me exactly as shown. And it's so much simpler.
  • James Gentes
    James Gentes about 9 years
    @shaneveeg thanks, that's interesting - I wonder if the back end is what's different. I am running Node with Express, perhaps it handles it differently.
  • shanemgrey
    shanemgrey about 9 years
    @JamesGentes - Correction of my previous comment. The OP is looking for a solution when there is a valid URI returned by the model, but a 404 when it's followed. In that case, this solution does not work, it results in broken image. If angular returns nothing for the image value, this correctly chooses the fallback.
  • NeoNe
    NeoNe about 9 years
    Im using Laravel and it works perfect for me if 404, null or empty is the case. but maybe Express returns some kind of error instead of code response like 404 so yes probably depends of server framework
  • mggSoft
    mggSoft about 9 years
    Also works fine putting err-src value empty: <img ng-src="smiley.png" err-src="" />
  • aUXcoder
    aUXcoder almost 9 years
    Darren made a good point: "handle EVERY image img tag globally". In my opinion the ideal solution will handle this without need err-src at all. I would like a mix with both solutions. What do you think?
  • Simon H
    Simon H almost 9 years
    Anyway I can get this to stop logging the 404s to the console?
  • Ruben.Canton
    Ruben.Canton almost 9 years
    This may be correct when you have the image data directly (as it looks like it's doing: p.img and not p.imgUrl). But if you set the URL and server returns code 404 then this doesn't seem to work, not to me at least. I'm on IIS7 and it's returning an HTTP 404 standard response -> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  • CodeMed
    CodeMed over 8 years
    This should be the accepted answer because it puts all the code into a single line. +1 because google searchers are looking for this answer, not the more complex overkill approaches.
  • ecorvo
    ecorvo over 8 years
    Works great, Thanks!
  • andrfas
    andrfas over 8 years
    Edited a bit your solution, so it works also when path is empty. stackoverflow.com/a/35884288/2014288
  • Nick Steele
    Nick Steele about 8 years
    You can actually do this without watching anything, or without Angular or javascript... just wrap the image in an object tag first and it works as far back as IE8 (before Angular)... stackoverflow.com/questions/22051573/…
  • Jay Shukla
    Jay Shukla almost 8 years
    @Darren How can I handle the same in ng-srcset? I can see that in ng-src it will have my default image url only. However I've couple of different copies of the same image so I want to check if the srcset candidate picked up by browser is 404 then I want to load image myself with some centralize approach.
  • Darren Wainwright
    Darren Wainwright almost 8 years
    @JayShukla - not sure off the top of my head; don't fully understand what you're hoping to achieve. Perhaps best to write a new question.
  • Gregra
    Gregra almost 8 years
    I feel this should be the accepted answer since it doesn't use jQuery and solves the problem
  • Biswas Khayargoli
    Biswas Khayargoli about 7 years
    If I am adding this to lot of images in a loop, isn't this expensive?
  • user2899845
    user2899845 about 7 years
    @BiswasKhayargoli - added a call to unsubscribe, so it will not have any processing cost after the initial loading