Installing Windows Server 2008 - RAID - No Drivers Found


You are going to need to get the drivers for the RAID controller and supply them to the setup program. Fortunately you are using server 2008 so you can use either a floppy disk, or a USB thumb drive to supply the drivers, assuming your BIOS supports using USB, if it was 2003 you'd be stuck with just a floppy.

When you boot Windows, you will see a message saying "Press F6 to install a third party driver", press F6. Windows will later present you with the option to load you drives. At this point insert your disk or thumb drive, press enter and then select the right driver.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Hector
    Hector almost 2 years

    I have a list of Unions with several members and another table with page hits by Union. Need a report that list each union, the number of each type of member and the clicks (page views).

    clicks are on a separate table with a date and unionID

    this is close but doesn't really have the results I want. The count shows the total of members but not the total of clicks. How do i get the total clicks? (count records in clicks table that match the UnionID)

    (from c in db.view_Members_Details
     join h in db.tbl_Clicks on c.unionID equals h.unionID 
     group c by new { c.UnionName, h.unionID } into g
     select new
         TotalClicks = g.Count(),
         UnionName = g.Key.UnionName,
         userTypeID1 = g.Where(x => x.UnionName.Equals(g.Key.UnionName) && x.userTypeID.Equals(1)).Count(),
         userTypeID2= g.Where(x => x.UnionName.Equals(g.Key.UnionName) && x.userTypeID.Equals(2)).Count(),
         userTypeID3= g.Where(x => x.UnionName.Equals(g.Key.UnionName) && x.userTypeID.Equals(3)).Count(),

    results should be:

    Clicks Count |  Union Name | userTypeID1 Count  | userTypeID2 Count  | userTypeID3 Count |
    • Chopper3
      Chopper3 over 14 years
      any chance of some details? server make/model, same for controllers etc. as it's difficult to help with no real information
  • Lior Kesos
    Lior Kesos over 14 years
    Thanks for your answer I have found a "driver cd" that came with the motherboard - will that be it? Should i copy the files to usb?
  • Sam Cogan
    Sam Cogan over 14 years
    You need to look on that CD and locate the RAID drivers then copy these to USB
  • Ryan Ferretti
    Ryan Ferretti over 14 years
    If you are using a built on RAID card then yes. If the RAID card isn't built on then it'll have it's own CD.
  • Hector
    Hector almost 13 years
    thanks, removing the 'where' works good but the TotalClicks doesn't work. It just adds up all the records so it count the number of member and number of click all together. I would need them separate