Is there a way to get the index of the median in python in one command?


Solution 1

a quick approximation:


Solution 2

It seems old question, but i found a nice way to make it so:

import random
import numpy as np
#some random list with 20 elements
a = [random.random() for i in range(20)]
#find the median index of a
medIdx = a.index(np.percentile(a,50,interpolation='nearest'))

The neat trick here is the percentile builtin option for nearest interpolation, which return a "real" median value from the list, so it is safe to search for it afterwards.

Solution 3

In general, this is an ill-posed question because an array does not necessarily contain its own median for numpy's definition of the median. For example:

>>> np.median([1, 2])

But when the length of the array is odd, the median will generally be in the array, so asking for its index does make sense:

>>> np.median([1, 2, 3])

For odd-length arrays, an efficient way to determine the index of the median value is by using the np.argpartition function. For example:

import numpy as np

def argmedian(x):
  return np.argpartition(x, len(x) // 2)[len(x) // 2]

# Works for odd-length arrays, where the median is in the array:
x = np.random.rand(101)

print("median in array:", np.median(x) in x)
# median in array: True

print(x[argmedian(x)], np.median(x))
# 0.5819150016674371 0.5819150016674371

# Doesn't work for even-length arrays, where the median is not in the array:
x = np.random.rand(100)

print("median in array:", np.median(x) in x)
# median in array: False

print(x[argmedian(x)], np.median(x))
# 0.6116799104572843 0.6047559243909065

This is quite a bit faster than the accepted sort-based solution as the size of the array grows:

x = np.random.rand(1000)
%timeit np.argsort(x)[len(x)//2]
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 25.4 µs per loop
%timeit np.argpartition(x, len(x) // 2)[len(x) // 2]
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 6.03 µs per loop

Solution 4

You can keep the indices with the elements (zip) and sort and return the element on the middle or two elements on the middle, however sorting will be O(n.logn). The following method is O(n) in terms of time complexity.

import numpy as np

def arg_median(a):
    if len(a) % 2 == 1:
        return np.where(a == np.median(a))[0][0]
        l,r = len(a) // 2 - 1, len(a) // 2
        left = np.partition(a, l)[l]
        right = np.partition(a, r)[r]
        return [np.where(a == left)[0][0], np.where(a == right)[0][0]]

print(arg_median(np.array([ 3,  9,  5,  1, 15])))
# 1 3 5 9 15, median=5, index=2
print(arg_median(np.array([ 3,  9,  5,  1, 15, 12])))
# 1 3 5 9 12 15, median=5,9, index=2,1


[2, 1]

The idea is if there is only one median (array has a odd length), then it returns the index of the median. If we need to average to elements (array has even length) then it returns the indices of these two elements in an list.

Solution 5

The accepted answer numpy.argsort(data)[len(data)//2] can not handle arrays with NaNs.

For 2-D array, to get the median column index in the axis=1 (along row):

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3.3, 4],
                   'b': [80, 23, np.nan, 88],
                   'c': [75, 45, 76, 67],
                   'd': [5, 4, 6, 7]})
data = df.to_numpy()
# data
array([[ 1. , 80. , 75. ,  5. ],
       [ 2. , 23. , 45. ,  4. ],
       [ 3.3,  nan, 76. ,  6. ],
       [ 4. , 88. , 67. ,  7. ]])

# median, ignoring NaNs
amedian = np.nanmedian(data, axis=1)
aabs = np.abs(data.T-amedian).T
idx = np.nanargmin(aabs, axis=1)
array([2, 1, 3, 2])

# the accepted answer, please note the third index is 2, the correspnoding cell value is 76, which should not be the median value in row [ 3.3,  nan, 76. ,  6. ]
idx = np.argsort(data)[:, len(data[0])//2]
array([2, 1, 2, 2])

Since this is a 4*4 array with even columns, the column index of median value for row No.3 should be 6 instead of 76.


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Itay Lieder
Author by

Itay Lieder

Updated on March 09, 2021


  • Itay Lieder
    Itay Lieder about 3 years

    Is there something like numpy.argmin(x), but for median?

    • Itay Lieder
      Itay Lieder over 8 years
      The title should have been "in Python" instead of "in numpy". I couldn't find it using google.
    • Itay Lieder
      Itay Lieder over 8 years
      I can do np.argmin(np.abs(np.median(x) - x)), but was wondering if there is already a command.
    • MSeifert
      MSeifert over 8 years
      As far as I know there is no single command that does this. Am I right you want something like np.argmedian(array) without any nested calculations?
    • Itay Lieder
      Itay Lieder over 8 years
      Yes, I thought something might have existed. Guess not.
    • Warren Weckesser
      Warren Weckesser over 8 years
      np.median([1, 2]) returns 1.5. How should np.argmedian([1, 2]) be defined in this case?
    • Lukas
      Lukas almost 8 years
      I wonder why the question gets downvoted. Writing an np.argmin which works with any axis=... and any keepdims=... is not trivial.
    • Moot
      Moot over 6 years
      @WarrenWeckesser: I think this be dealt with using a flag that would set whether you choose the lower or the upper of the two options for that case (with a default value). It seems like a natural addition to numpy, IMHO.
  • leermeester
    leermeester over 6 years
    the accepted answer numpy.argsort(data)[len(data)//2] is 3-4 times faster, but this one is still elegant :)
  • Ray
    Ray almost 6 years
    In general this has complexity n log(n) because it involves sorting. Finding the median only takes linear when you use Quickselect. Theoretically it would have lower complexity to compute the median first and then search for it, like @Hagay's answer.
  • gizzmole
    gizzmole over 4 years
    for numpy.array use np.argwhere(a == np.percentile(a, 50, interpolation='nearest'))
  • Mad Physicist
    Mad Physicist over 3 years
    The basis of percentile is partition, which does this out of the box
  • Mad Physicist
    Mad Physicist over 3 years
    This is by far the best answer