Is there an async version of DirectoryInfo.GetFiles / Directory.GetDirectories in dotNet?


Solution 1

No, I don't think there is. The pool thread approach is probably the most pragmatic. Alternatively, I guess you could drop down to P/Invoke - but that would be a lot more work.

Solution 2

I didn't find an async version of GetFiles, however if you look at the sourcecode for other Async operations, they're defined as follows:

module FileExtensions =

        let UnblockViaNewThread f =
            async { //let ctxt = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
                    do! Async.SwitchToNewThread ()
                    let res = f()
                    do! Async.SwitchToThreadPool ()
                    //do! Async.SwitchTo ctxt
                    return res }

        type System.IO.File with
            static member AsyncOpenText(path)   = UnblockViaNewThread (fun () -> System.IO.File.OpenText(path))
            static member AsyncAppendText(path) = UnblockViaNewThread (fun () -> System.IO.File.AppendText(path))
            static member AsyncOpenRead(path)   = UnblockViaNewThread (fun () -> System.IO.File.OpenRead(path))
            static member AsyncOpenWrite(path)  = UnblockViaNewThread (fun () -> System.IO.File.OpenWrite(path))
            static member AsyncOpen(path,mode,?access,?share) =
                let access = match access with Some v -> v | None -> System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite
                let share = match share with Some v -> v | None -> System.IO.FileShare.None
                UnblockViaNewThread (fun () -> System.IO.File.Open(path,mode,access,share))

            static member OpenTextAsync(path)   = System.IO.File.AsyncOpenText(path)
            static member AppendTextAsync(path) = System.IO.File.AsyncAppendText(path)
            static member OpenReadAsync(path)   = System.IO.File.AsyncOpenRead(path)
            static member OpenWriteAsync(path)  = System.IO.File.AsyncOpenWrite(path)
            static member OpenAsync(path,mode,?access,?share) = System.IO.File.AsyncOpen(path, mode, ?access=access, ?share=share)

In other words, the Async file, streamreader, and WebClient operations are just wrappers around the syncronous operations, so you should be able to write your own wrapper around GetFiles/GetDirectories as follows:

module IOExtensions =
    type System.IO.Directory with
        static member AsyncGetFiles(directory) = async { return System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory) }
        static member AsyncGetDirectories(path) = async { return System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path) }

Solution 3

This may be considered a bit of a hack, but you might consider using the UWP StorageFolder API.

C# example (though F# is probably just as easy):

using Windows.Storage;


var folder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(path);
var files = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
var folders = await folder.GetFoldersAsync();

You can easily consume these from traditional .NET desktop and console applications by using the UWP for Desktop library by Lucian Wischik (of Microsoft).

Install-Package UwpDesktop

Solution 4

Actually, according to the help for Directory.GetFiles, Directory.EnumerateFiles will return the first result immediately (it's an IEnumerable), rather than wait for the entire list before returning. I believe that's probably what you're looking for.

Solution 5

I've used several times this approach to get Async objects from functions/procedures, and it always worked great:

let AsyncGetDirectories path = 
    let fn = new Func<_, _>(System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories)
    Async.BuildPrimitive(path, fn.BeginInvoke, fn.EndInvoke)
James Moore
Author by

James Moore

I'm an Android developer. I've also worked on: Large-scale consumer facing web sites GWT applications iPhone apps Embedded systems (VxWorks) I just launched my Android app to help people understand spoken English! Check it out at

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • James Moore
    James Moore almost 2 years

    Is there an asynchronous version of DirectoryInfo.GetFiles / Directory.GetDirectories in dotNet? I'd like to use them in an F# async block, and it'd be nice to have a version that can be called with AsyncCallbacks.

    Problem is I'm trying to suck in a bunch of directories, probably on SMB mounts over slow network connections, and I don't want a bunch of thread pool threads sitting around waiting for network reads when they could be doing other work.

  • Noldorin
    Noldorin about 15 years
    This isn't true async I/O of course, but it's a good practical solution nonetheless. If you did want truly asynchronous operations you'd have to use some horrible Win32 interop, which I'd imagine isn't worth it in the context...
  • Drew Noakes
    Drew Noakes over 11 years
    is this still the case now that .NET 4.5 is out with a bunch of new async APIs? I was looking for this and didn't see it.
  • Mauricio Scheffer
    Mauricio Scheffer over 11 years
    This is lazy, not async
  • Jörgen Sigvardsson
    Jörgen Sigvardsson over 11 years
    Well, stuff it in an async method/Task, what have you. By simply pushing everything off onto a different thread is a bad way to achieve asynchronicity IMHO. Yes, it runs in parallel, but it's very hard to terminate in a deterministic manner.
  • Mauricio Scheffer
    Mauricio Scheffer over 11 years
    Stuffing it in a async method/task is not the same, and is unrelated to laziness. I agree that "pushing it into a different thread" is "bad async", it should use IOCPs.
  • James Moore
    James Moore over 11 years
    It's fascinating that several answers have come up with this sort of solution, even though it has nothing to do with solving the stated problem. It's also interesting that the C# wrong answer is much longer than the equivalent wrong answers in F# :-).
  • James Moore
    James Moore over 10 years
    Plus, these days I'm using F# on iOS via Xamarin (and soon on Android), so some horrible Win32 interop isn't even possible.
  • MvdD
    MvdD over 9 years
    Not really. Even returning the first file may takes dozens or hundreds of milliseconds (think UNC paths). All that time your execution thread is blocked.
  • Scott Hutchinson
    Scott Hutchinson over 6 years
    I could not find Princess's answer.
  • James Moore
    James Moore over 6 years
    @ScottHutchinson It's gone, no idea when it was deleted. (My question is from <gulp> 2009). I think it was essentially the same as Juliet's, pointing out that a lot of the async operators don't have good support anyway - they're going to consume threads and not do something sensible with wait handles.
  • Scott Hutchinson
    Scott Hutchinson over 6 years
    I'm guessing Princess changed her name to Juliet, whose profile says she's a "High Priestess", which is kinda sorta like a princess.
  • Dai
    Dai over 6 years
    Internally, what API does this library use? Does it call true-async (overlapped IO?) Win32 functions, or just wrap everything in a thread?
  • Brugner
    Brugner over 4 years
    It's still the case as of .NET Core 2.2.
  • Dai
    Dai about 4 years
    "Alternatively, I guess you could drop down to P/Invoke" - I can't see any Win32 Overlapped IO or native Win32 asynchronous APIs for filesystem operations, so I'm not sure how P/Invoke would help here. As far as I know, the async filesystem API in UWP is also using threading internally instead of being actually overlapped IO or being IO interrupt-driven.
  • PRMan
    PRMan over 3 years
    This is the correct answer, because it's not faking async with threads but actually hooking into real interrupts in hardware/software.
  • Matt Johnson-Pint
    Matt Johnson-Pint over 3 years
    It doesn't look like "UWP for Desktop" has stood the test of time. There's probably more modern ways to p/invoke UWP APIs. Maybe .NET 5 will help. :)
  • Justin
    Justin about 3 years
    Enumerating a drive too over 5 minutes.
  • Bent Tranberg
    Bent Tranberg almost 3 years
    No, "High Priestess" is a religious title, while a princess would be a member of a royal court, which is... hey, we're way off topic!