JavaFX New Scene on Button Click


The basic idea here is you would do something like:

public class GameFX {

    private final BorderPane rootPane ; // or any other kind of pane, or  Group...

    public GameFX() {

        rootPane = new BorderPane();

        // build UI, register event handlers, etc etc


    public Pane getRootPane() {
        return rootPane ;

    // other methods you may need to access, etc...


Now back in the MenuFX class you would do

Button startButton = new Button("Start Game");
startButton.setOnAction(e -> {
    GameFX game = new GameFX();
Author by


Updated on March 17, 2020


  • Admin
    Admin over 4 years

    The title may be a bit vague, so allow me to define it a little better. I have a working piece of code (down below): a simple main menu for a game I am working on. Everything works well, except for the Start button.

    What I want to be able to do is click the Start button, and have a new scene appear on the same stage (window). I do not want to see a new window open. I have talked with someone more experienced in Java, and they told me to create separate classes for the MenuFX and the GameFX. If that is the case, I would need to call some start or launch method on the GameFX class from the MenuFX class, correct? Is this the best approach, or would I want to keep all FX-related code in one class? Also, I should keep the same stage for all FX work, no?

    This post shed some light on things, but I am not well-versed in some of the terms discussed- for instance, I still do not understand the concept of Root.

    Also, this post talks about a similar application, but I am not using FXML or SceneBuilder... I do not know if any of it is relatable. - I have removed some of the working code, simply for brevity. You can see that all I need help with is tying the Start button to some functionality that makes a new empty scene.

     * This is simply working on the title screen.
    // Asssume all imports are correct
    import java.everythingNeeded
    public class MenuFX extends Application {
            public void start (Stage primaryStage) {
            // Make the window a set size...
            // Create menu vbox and set the background image
            VBox menuVBox = new VBox(30);
            menuVBox.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundImage(new 
            Image("image/bambooBG.jpg"), null, null, null, new BackgroundSize(45, 
            45, true, true, true, true))));
            // Create start button
            Button startButton = new Button("Start Game");
            // TODO Some things...
            // Need assistance here
            // Create help button
            Button helpButton = new Button("Help");
            helpButton.setOnAction(e -> THINGS);
            // Create music toggle button
            ToggleButton musicButton = new ToggleButton("Music On/Off");
            musicButton.setOnAction(e -> THINGS);
            // Create credits button
            Button creditsButton = new Button("Credits");
            // Create exit button and set it to close the program when clicked
            Button endButton = new Button("Exit Game");
            endButton.setOnAction(e -> Platform.exit());
            // Add all nodes to the vbox pane and center it all
            // Must be in order from top to bottom
            menuVBox.getChildren().addAll(startButton, helpButton, musicButton, creditsButton, endButton);
            // New scene, place pane in it
            Scene scene = new Scene(menuVBox, 630, 730);
            // Place scene in stage
        // Needed to run JavaFX w/o the use of the command line
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    Restating: I want to click the Start button and have the currently open window change to an empty scene.

    Here is a pastebin of the MenuFX class in its entirety:

    Thank you for any help,


  • jewelsea
    jewelsea over 4 years
    Note, if you don't have a reference to the stage, you can get the scene from the button in the action handler of the button. For example: startButton.getScene().setRoot(game.getRootPane());.