Kali Linux - Displays -> Could not get screen information


It works now, I heard there was an update on September 13th, 2016 (https:// www.kali.org/news/azure-marketplace-weekly-iso-builds/) for Kali Linux so I just ran:

apt-get dist-upgrade

it installed a lot of new updates, I followed it by:

apt-get update

just for good measure, and after a system reboot everything was working fine again; display settings is able to get screen information on connected monitors now.

Says it's resolved here as well: https:// bugs.kali.org/my_view_page.php

Could not get screen information resolved

Could not get screen information recently modified


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • mtcode
    mtcode almost 2 years

    I just recently installed Kali Linux about a week ago to dual boot alongside my Linux Mint. I have been using Linux Mint for about two years now, but I am new to Kali Linux.

    The first day I played around in the Kali Linux Settings and changed the orientation of my monitors because when I first booted in the orientation had my secondary monitor on the right side BUT I have two monitors: my main monitor is in front of me and my secondary is to my left. So I opened the Display settings and switched them around no problem.

    After installing nvidia drivers following the guide from:


    after the reboot, my monitors swapped back to having my secondary monitor on the right of me. When I opened the display settings to change this back it displays the following:

    "Could not get screen information"

    Can anyone help me to get this working again?

    • gogators
      gogators almost 8 years
      Can you just swap the cables?
  • DavidPostill
    DavidPostill almost 8 years
    Please don't leave answers stating that you have the same problem as the one described in the question. If you have sufficient reputation, you may upvote the question. Alternatively, "star" it as a favorite and you will be notified of any new answers.