Karma, PhantomJS and es6 Promises


Solution 1

You can pull in the Babel polyfill by simply installing Babel Polyfill:

npm install --save-dev babel-polyfill

and then include the polyfill file before your source and test files within the files section of your karma.conf.js:

files: [
  'index.js',   //could be /src/**/*.js
  'index.spec.js' //could be /test/**/*.spec.js

Unless you know that all your target browsers support Promises, you probably want to apply this polyfill to your released build too.

If you're feeling really adventurous you can use Browserify to pull files in to make your testing more modular, and then use Babelify to transpile ES6 to ES5. I've created a sample project with these and a working test involving a Promise (running on PhantomJS2) for reference.

Solution 2

For Babel 6, we need install babel-polyfill to support promise.

npm install --save-dev babel-polyfill

and add a line in karma.conf.js within the files section

files: [

It's well documented in https://github.com/babel/karma-babel-preprocessor#polyfill

Solution 3

as correctly pointed out by the author it is not able to recognize es6 promise. In order to load it, es6-promise module can be loaded with the help of webpack.ProvidePlugin and configuring it inside plugins array of webpack.

plugins: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            'Promise': 'es6-promise'

This seems to work for me!

Travis Parks
Author by

Travis Parks

I'm a developer who spends most of his time writing business applications in .NET. I especially enjoy computing theory, application design and good programming practices. I try to keep my skills up-to-date and keep my knowledge broad. I love creating open source projects; check me out on GitHub. I consider myself an expert at .NET, software design, automation and large-scale distributed enterprise architectures.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Travis Parks
    Travis Parks almost 2 years

    I am writing a JavaScript library that uses the new es6 promises. I can test the library in Firefox because promises are defined. However, when I try to test my code with Karma and PhantomJS, I get the error Can't find variable: Promise.. I am guessing this is because the PhantomJS browser doesn't support es6 promises yet.

    How can I configure Karma to bring in the polyfill for promises?

  • Artjom B.
    Artjom B. about 9 years
    Quick test shows that PhantomJS 2.0.1-dev doesn't support Promises.
  • Chris
    Chris over 8 years
    I'm having a similar issue but after including the polyfill, the Promise never seems to resolve, here's a gist: gist.github.com/Kikketer/1646eccdaff76944b358 Anyone have a clue why the Promise would never run it's '.then' ?
  • spikeheap
    spikeheap over 8 years
    @Chris your problem doesn't look at all related. I couldn't run your gist, but it looks like you're problem is probably related to Angular. Don't use the Promise polyfill with Angular – you need to use the built-in $q implementation (otherwise it won't work with the digest cycle). If you want to build a resolved promise use $q.when(some_object). You really need to open a new question on SO, but post the link here and I'll take a look.
  • Chris
    Chris over 8 years
    @spikeheap yea I switched to $q throughout the app and it worked. Thanks for looking at it.
  • Aditya Sinha
    Aditya Sinha about 8 years
    Shouldn't using github.com/webpack/karma-webpack with babel and having its configuration section in karma.conf.js as well as the proprocessor: { './tests/**/*.js', : [ 'webpack' ] } be enough? Why would I also have to add the polyfill manually, when webpack adds it in normal circumstances?
  • spikeheap
    spikeheap about 8 years
    Hi @Henrik, it sounds like you've answered your own question ;). This question/answer is useful for the huge number of people not using Webpack, but you're right: if you're using a system which is already polyfilling for you, don't manually add a polyfill.
  • Axel Meier
    Axel Meier almost 8 years
    I solved the same issue with using promise-polyfill: npmjs.com/package/promise-polyfill
  • Jelle den Burger
    Jelle den Burger over 7 years
    Unfortunately this doesn't work. I was already using the babel-preprocessor and Karma couldn't find the Promise.resolve() function. The babel-polyfill fixed the issue for me.