Listing the contents of a ZIP file


7z doesn't seem to have builtin key for this, however you can do some batch scripting (this one searches for slash in file name and displays line if slash not found) :

7z.exe l -r > lines.txt

@echo off


for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (lines.txt) do (
  set line=%%a
  set srch=!line:\=!
  if "!line!" == "!srch!" (
     echo !line!

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • JHarley1
    JHarley1 almost 2 years

    Following an example of tech-recipes I have managed to list the contents of a ZIP file (using 7-Zip:

    FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('dir /b /s *.zip') do (7z.exe l -r "%%A" >> listing.txt)

    However, this just dumps out the entire directory structure of the ZIP file into a text file (called listing.txt).

    I only want to list the directory names of the highest level directories e.g.


    7-Zip 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18
    Listing archive: C:\Users\Test\Desktop\7zip\
    Path = C:\Users\Test\Desktop\7zip\
    Type = zip
    Physical Size = 1252
       Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
    ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
    2013-04-24 13:12:26 D....            0            0  Directory Three\Sub Folder One
    2013-04-24 13:13:00 D....            0            0  Directory Three\Sub Folder Three
    2013-04-24 13:12:54 D....            0            0  Directory Three\Sub Folder Two
    2013-04-24 13:12:26 D....            0            0  Directory Two\Sub Folder One
    2013-04-24 13:13:00 D....            0            0  Directory Two\Sub Folder Three
    2013-04-24 13:12:54 D....            0            0  Directory Two\Sub Folder Two
    2013-04-24 13:12:26 D....            0            0  Directory One\Sub Folder One
    2013-04-24 13:13:00 D....            0            0  Directory One\Sub Folder Three
    2013-04-24 13:12:54 D....            0            0  Directory One\Sub Folder Two
    ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                                         0            0  0 files, 9 folders

    I would only want the text file to contain:

    • Directory One
    • Directory Two
    • Directory Three

    Can anyone suggest how I could achieve this?

  • JHarley1
    JHarley1 about 11 years
    When I run the batch file - I get a text file containing 'File: "{filename}.zip". Can you tell me about the significance of '5' for tokens?
  • ElektroStudios
    ElektroStudios about 11 years
    The script runs good and prints the filanames good, please explain the filename problem with another example to understand it. A token is a string delimitted by a {space} (By default), so with "5,*" tokens we are spliting each line in 5+1 strings. 6 tokens 'cause 6 columns, one: 2013-04-24 two: 13:12:24 three: D.... four: 0 five: 0 six: {Folder name}. then I print the sixth token to the textfile.
  • JHarley1
    JHarley1 about 11 years
    For some reason by 'raw output' does not have a 'Date' or 'Time' - would this be causing the issue?
  • ElektroStudios
    ElektroStudios about 11 years
    If date or time values are empty spaces then yes that's the problem. I suppossed all the values on date/time columns ever would be filled. splitting the lines is the best choice but have that inconvenient... let me think about it.
  • ElektroStudios
    ElektroStudios about 11 years
    But that example has date and time values or maybe I understanded bad what you will said? if the problem is you don't want the first folder name "demo" then you maybe will consider to compress and unchecking the option "preserve directory root" in 7zip, then "demo" root will not appear more when listing and the script will run ok.
  • JHarley1
    JHarley1 about 11 years
    I have updated the structure of the ZIP as suggested - I am still just getting File: "C:\Users\Test\Desktop\7zip\". Maybe its an issue with my version of 7-Zip.