Modify a file without creating another file


Solution 1

You can use a vi script:

$ vi test.txt -c '%s/aaa/NNN/ | wq'
$ cat test.txt

You're simply automating what would normally be entered when using vi in command mode (accessed using Esc: usually):

% - carry out the following command on every line:

s/aaa/NNN/ - subtitute aaa with NNN

| - command delimiter

w - write changes to file

q - quit

Solution 2

Using sponge:



while read -r line
  printf '%s\n' "${line//$pattern/$replacement}"
done < "${1}"

Call with:

./ test.txt | sponge test.txt

Solution 3

With ed, the line editor:

ed -s test.txt <<< $',s/pattern/replace/g\nw\nq'


ed -s test.txt <<IN


printf '%s\n' ,s/pattern/replace/g w q | ed -s test.txt

Solution 4

If you are using bash or ksh, you can use pattern substitution for shell variables. Note however, that basic shell globs are less powerful and extended shell globs have some features that sed doesn't and vice versa. For more details, see 'Parameter Expansion' in man 1 bash:

t=$(< test.txt); printf '%s\n' "${t//aaa/NNN}" >test.txt

Extended shell globs are disabled by default, so you may need to explicitly enable them:

shopt -s extglob

Solution 5

You can also use perl

perl -pi -e 's/aaa/bbb/g' file.txt

This will give the output you desire.

You can also backup your original file automatically using i.bak instead of i. This will create a backup named file.txt.bak.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Abradolf_linclr
    Abradolf_linclr almost 2 years

    Is there a way to modify a file without writing the contents to another file, without sed and awk?

    For example:

    $ cat test.txt

    Replacing using sed with -i option, sed -i 's/aaa/NNN/g' test.txt will produce the following:


    How to do that without awk and sed?

    • Sebastian
      Sebastian over 9 years
      by the way, sed -i internally writes to a temporary file and then moves it into the place of the original file. The option title --in-place is a little misleading.
    • bnikhil
      bnikhil over 9 years
      The vi and sponge solutions also create temporary files to do their work...
    • Abradolf_linclr
      Abradolf_linclr over 9 years
      My intention to post this question is that atleast the user should not manually create a new file and write the contents. Thank you for simple answers and comments.
  • garethTheRed
    garethTheRed over 9 years
    yours too ;-) Never heard of sponge before.
  • Sebastian
    Sebastian over 9 years
    I found it here:
  • Abradolf_linclr
    Abradolf_linclr over 9 years
    seems very neat and simple.
  • nyuszika7h
    nyuszika7h over 9 years
    That script suffers from multiple issues. (1) read line should be read -r line. (2) The $() in the if is redundant. I'm surprised if that even works. (3) echo suffers from a lot of portability issues even within bash. Use printf '%s\n' "${var}" instead. (4) $1 should be wrapped in double quotes: "$1".
  • nyuszika7h
    nyuszika7h over 9 years
    Also, if it's a bash script, you can just do grep -q "$pattern" <<< "$line".
  • nyuszika7h
    nyuszika7h over 9 years
    I think you forgot to define pattern and replacement, too.
  • nyuszika7h
    nyuszika7h over 9 years
    I submitted an edit with some improvements. While it may not exactly be suitable for an edit, I'm hoping to save you some work.
  • nyuszika7h
    nyuszika7h over 9 years
    I can't see any globs there.
  • Sebastian
    Sebastian over 9 years
    thanks @nyuszika7h for suggesting multiple improvements. The script was a quick (sloppy) submission. If there are issues left, please let me know - I'm always keen on improving. E.g. I didn't know that echo has any issues. I'll check that.
  • Abradolf_linclr
    Abradolf_linclr over 9 years
    sponge command seems to do similar function as redirection operator but changing contents in the same file. I could not find it in my linux distribution.
  • Sebastian
    Sebastian over 9 years
    It's not a standard tool, but I think it deserves more publicity. See the link above , for download and source.
  • Franki
    Franki over 9 years
    @nyuszika7h true, although it is possible if you want to, like so: printf '%s\n' "${t//+(a|d)/NNN}" if you wanted to replace all runs of 'a's or 'd's with 'NNN'
  • deltab
    deltab over 9 years
    sponge is packaged in moreutils; Debian, Ubuntu and other distributions have it as an optional package in their repositories.
  • Abradolf_linclr
    Abradolf_linclr over 9 years
    I was using your script for replacing tab with comma. vi test.txt -c '%s/\t/,/**g** | wq' did well for multiple columns. Without g, it was only replacing the first instance. Thank you.
  • don_crissti
    don_crissti over 9 years
    @mikeserv - wrt ed & temp file creation, it all depends on the implementation; see the posts here by bakunin and alister.
  • Wildcard
    Wildcard about 8 years
    Is there some advantage to using ed over using ex?
  • don_crissti
    don_crissti about 8 years
    @Wildcard - I've never had any interest in ex (and as a result, I've never used it - same for vi). I only know that on some exotic setups you may find ed but not ex. Other than that I'm afraid I can't answer your question. Someone like Stéphane - who knows the ins and outs of both - would be the right guy to ask.
  • Wildcard
    Wildcard about 8 years
    Both are specified in POSIX, and ex is more flexible. But thanks for explaining. :)