Move an off-screen window back on-screen on Mac OS X


Solution 1

This method seems to work: click on the Window menu, then click Zoom

Solution 2

Haven't read through the whole thread but the easiest way I found was to change the resolution of the screen:

Go to System preferences » Displays and then change the resolution.

This will force your computer to render the display again and reposition all open windows. Then just switch it back to your original resolution settings and everything should be back in place.

Solution 3

If you can see a portion of the window, hold down the Option key and then click on one of the borders of the window. This will allow you to drag the window into full view.

Solution 4

Three ideas:

  • CmdF1 (or CmdfnF1 if you've configured your MacBook's keyboard to use normal function keys) toggles your displays between mirror mode and extended desktop. A side effect is that windows get moved around somewhat unpredictably. This might move the missing window to somewhere visible. This likely requires the external monitor to be connected though.

  • Turn on Spaces, hit the hot key to displays the spaces overview and see if your missing window outline is visible there. If so, drag it to where you want it to be.

  • Quit the application and relaunch. Definitely a non-ideal solution and not practical if there's unsaved work.

Solution 5

Some windows can be moved by for example dragging them horizontally from the bottom edge.

You could also try running scripts like this in AppleScript Editor:

tell application "iTunes"
    set bounds of windows to {100, 100, 800, 800}
end tell
tell application "System Events" to tell window 1 of process "UltraEdit"
    set position to {100, 100}
    set size to {800, 800}
end tell

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Matthew Rankin
Author by

Matthew Rankin

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Matthew Rankin
    Matthew Rankin almost 2 years

    It seems that Mac OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard has a tendency to leave some windows off-screen at times, especially when I disconnect an external monitor from my MacBook. How can I move the window back on-screen when it's not possible to grab the title bar and drag it back onto the screen? recommends adjusting your screen resolution downward to have off-screen windows "snap back into view" and then adjust your screen resolution back to its original setting. In OS X 10.4 Tiger, I had a script that brought all off-screen windows back on-screen, but in my upgrades to Leopard and now Snow Leopard, I don't seem to have that script.

    Any better solutions out there?

    • Chealion
      Chealion over 14 years
      You may want to check out a very similar question: Reset Mac OS X Windows Position after de-attaching external monitor
    • Admin
      Admin almost 14 years
      I've found that deleting the offending reference items from Interface Builder's plist sometimes helps. I've even tried to set the window's position via AppleScript with no luck.
    • jyalim
      jyalim over 9 years
      I was able to recover an x11 window by moving the spawning display over to the other side of an adjacent display. In other words, I had the following arrangement with my monitors [ 2 ][1], and the x11 window was spawning off-screen to the apparent left of [1]. By rearranging: [1][ 2 ], my x11 window correctly appeared on window [1]. I'm on OS X 10.10.
  • Matthew Rankin
    Matthew Rankin over 14 years
    For the first time in months, I just ran into this problem with Parallels. Unfortunately, they don't have a zoom menu option under the Window menu.
  • Matthew Rankin
    Matthew Rankin over 14 years
    I tried using Detect Displays and that didn't work. I didn't try the "Gather Windows" option, but I will next time.
  • Matthew Rankin
    Matthew Rankin over 14 years
    Toggling between mirror mode and extended desktop didn't work. I decided to quit Parallels, which brought up a dialog box prior to quitting. With the dialog box up, I moved the Parallels window back on screen and then selected "Cancel" from the "Are you sure you want to quit?" dialog box. Still wish there were a better way.
  • Jon
    Jon almost 12 years
    In my case, the app (xScope) didn't have a Zoom option, and my new Mountain Lion build wasn't showing a "detect displays" function, so this tip worked perfectly. Thanks!
  • Rhubarb
    Rhubarb over 11 years
    +1 worked for me too. (On Lion trying to get the iPhone Simulator window). Zoom was disabled for this app. What makes this easier is having the Displays button in the menu bar (System Preferences->Displays->Show displays in menu bar) - this way you can quickly change resolution or detect displays
  • mwilson
    mwilson over 10 years
    Also worked with Virtual Box, which was full screen in another (non-existent) display. I didn't have a menu bar at all. Thanks.
  • Wolfgang Fahl
    Wolfgang Fahl over 10 years
    this does not work with e.g. UltaEdit - there is an error message that the bounds can not be set. Also the syntax seems to be "set the bounds of the first window to ..."
  • brevno
    brevno over 10 years
    @WolfgangFahl set bounds of windows to is also correct syntax, but I edited the answer to add a second script that worked for me with UltraEdit.
  • bugloaf
    bugloaf over 10 years
    Zoom didn't work for me. Now the window is just bigger, but still not where I can reach it.
  • bugloaf
    bugloaf over 10 years
    Didn't work for me. I resized the display, but the window is still sitting out of reach. I can see it in Mission Control, but I can't touch it, so maddening!
  • mjhm
    mjhm about 10 years
    Rotating 90 degrees and reverting worked for me.
  • David W.
    David W. almost 10 years
    This worked for X-Lite when everything else failed. There was no "Zoom" in X-Lite and changing the display scale didn't work since X-LIte was on another display entirely.
  • Gavin Thornton
    Gavin Thornton almost 10 years
    Make the window as small as possible, then change the resolution. Worked for me with Filezilla.
  • Matt Fletcher
    Matt Fletcher almost 10 years
    Worked for iTunes. Never seen that option before; I always assumed it'd be called "maximise". Jazzy!
  • Dustin
    Dustin over 9 years
    This may or may not work. I found Wireshark (an X Windows app), would be off the display when a 2nd display was connected. This was actually an XQuartz bug (acknowledged). It's unclear if this is an Apple bug, or an XQuartz bug. See
  • Tom
    Tom over 9 years
    Thanks! The second script (but not the first) worked for me for FileZilla. Make sure the you're on the same desktop as the app in question when running the script.
  • ntgCleaner
    ntgCleaner over 9 years
    Your first option worked for me. I have a macbook Pro with two monitors attached. I don't use the macbook as a screen. Cmd F1 worked like a charm. Thank you
  • seyiterdal
    seyiterdal over 9 years
    Excellent, works on VLC too, which has a habit of getting stuck off-screen when it was previously being used on a now-disconnected external monitor.
  • dza
    dza over 9 years
    "Untitled" (X) checked (focused) in TextEdit doesn't reappear when pressing zoom .. Hmm .. This is one of the most annoying things about OS X.
  • nukeguy
    nukeguy about 9 years
    This worked for me, unlike all the other suggestions. However, it's not an ideal solution.... I'd like to be able to keep my current arrangement if possible.
  • Rayjax
    Rayjax about 9 years
    had my photoshop window out of screen. changed resolution to the maximum, resized the window to get smaller, changed resolution back. working
  • slm
    slm about 9 years
    This has worked flawlessly for me with a number of X11 applications that insist on opening up outside of the viewable space of my desktop. I typically see just a little bit of these windows and the above tip has worked to allow me to drag them back into view.
  • Barrett Kuethen
    Barrett Kuethen almost 9 years
    This one does the trick for Adobe Illustrator. If anyone is wondering how to target an application, it's the full name in the dock. I had to use "Adobe Illustrator CC 2014" in place of UltraEdit and it worked like a charm.
  • Bryan Focht
    Bryan Focht almost 9 years
    Cmd-F1 to toggle into Screen Mirror worked like a charm. And then Cmd-F1 back to my normal mode.
  • GreenAsJade
    GreenAsJade over 8 years
    I had to hold Shift-Option for this to work ... but ... fanstastic, thanks!
  • DemiSheep
    DemiSheep over 8 years
    Like a similar comment above, FileZilla does not have a Window menu didn't work for me.
  • DemiSheep
    DemiSheep over 8 years
    Neither Option or Shift-Option is working for me in Yosemite with FileZilla :|
  • DemiSheep
    DemiSheep over 8 years
    Didn't work for me with Filezilla - I even installed a updated version and it didn't reset the window (didn't uninstall old version)
  • DemiSheep
    DemiSheep over 8 years
    My resolution on my monitors were already maxed out , but setting from 'Best' to 'More Space' and then setting it back to default made the Filezilla window end up as full screen on my Macbook Pro screen
  • Jorge Orpinel Pérez
    Jorge Orpinel Pérez over 8 years
    The scaling + option-drag-window-edge worked for me.
  • GreenAsJade
    GreenAsJade over 8 years
    Drag bottom edge! How easy! Doh!
  • Doktor J
    Doktor J over 8 years
    Doesn't work on modal windows either, e.g. TextWrangler's "Find" window... there is no "Zoom" option :(
  • Doktor J
    Doktor J over 8 years
    This doesn't work for modal windows either, such as TextWrangler's "Find" window :(
  • P. Lalonde
    P. Lalonde over 8 years
    Using Filezilla, enter fullscreen mode and exit, next time you'll open it, it'll be on screen.
  • niieani
    niieani over 8 years
    This does not work with VLC. Fortunately clicking from menu "Quit and Keep Windows" (how ironic) has helped. This option appears after holding 'alt'.
  • Jake Hall
    Jake Hall over 8 years
    I had the same problem with the stupid little secureID app. This post saved me, thanks!
  • dval
    dval over 8 years
    Thanks! This also allows me to resize photoshop when it's off screen. Seems like the only answer that work on all app windows!
  • durron597
    durron597 about 8 years
    This answer worked for me, and is the only one that doesn't seem like an enormous hack.
  • Krazy Glew
    Krazy Glew about 8 years
    Zoom makes the window visible, but if I unzoom it becomes invisible again. I.e. it remembers the unzoomed position. This for Microsoft's PowerPoint app, although I believe I have had similar problem with apps from Apple.
  • Krazy Glew
    Krazy Glew about 8 years
    When the other answers do not work (Zoom, change resolution, etc.): Cascade Windows --- in detail: select the app in the Dock; the Windows menu for the app, WAAAY at the top of my large screen, has items like Zoom, Cascade, Arrange All, Bring All to Front. Although Zoom has the problem I mentioned in a previous comment, Cascade and Arrange All work, and are persistent. (This with; may be restricted to apps that have multiple windows.) (I dislike the app menu at the top of my large screen, but it worked here; I wish MacOS had a window manager.)
  • Chuck van der Linden
    Chuck van der Linden almost 8 years
    no option for that on yosemite
  • Wray Bowling
    Wray Bowling almost 8 years
    I can confirm this worked for Inkscape on El Capitan
  • CodeGuyRoss
    CodeGuyRoss over 7 years
    Wow thanks for this answer! This window issue had me pretty annoyed and this was an easy fix.
  • mattsoave
    mattsoave over 7 years
    This worked great for me, but I don't think it will work 100% of the time. It works by moving the opposite side of the window an equal distance inward as you drag the other side. Therefore, I think there are situations where the distance you can drag inward isn't enough to bring the opposite side in enough. Still, worked for me this time, so thanks!
  • joeln
    joeln about 7 years
    I've made this into a command-line script with specifiable application name, and without modifying the widths and heights of windows at
  • Pysis
    Pysis about 7 years
    I usually have iTerm2 set to full-width top, and it has gotten off-center, either from some display switching/re-arranging, or some sort of accidental rogue click I just did. Sometimes I was able to full-screen it using the green icon in the upper left corner, but this didn't work when I dragged it out from a full screen space. Usually it auto-centers after that operation. This zoom approach did work however.
  • Wolfgang Fahl
    Wolfgang Fahl about 7 years
    Nothing else worked for me - it is fascinating why this will bring back an inkscape window on MacOS while no keyboard option no nothing will help.
  • theMarceloR
    theMarceloR over 6 years
    Cmd+fn+F1 worked perfectly! Thanks a million!
  • ash
    ash about 6 years
    After zooming the window, it can be resized in-place without 'unzooming' it first, since unzooming puts the window back where it was before.
  • elixenide
    elixenide about 6 years
    This works, but it sometimes requires several cycles of option-key dragging and regular resizing to get the window down to the right size if, say, you were using it on a much larger monitor previously.
  • Najki
    Najki over 5 years
    This worked for me with Sequel Pro app on High Sierra. It was off screen and I couldn't see it's menu bar. Selected Display 1 and it worked. Thanks!
  • w3debugger
    w3debugger over 5 years
    underrated solution IMO
  • jasonology
    jasonology almost 5 years
    This doesn’t appear to work in macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • Justin
    Justin almost 5 years
    It is still working for me in Mojave v10.14.6.
  • F.S.
    F.S. over 3 years
    The problem is that entire window is off the screen. There isn't an edge to grab on.
  • qel
    qel over 3 years
    This is the only simple way I've found to fix a window that gets positioned with its title bar behind the system title bar so you can't move the window.
  • newyork10023
    newyork10023 almost 3 years
    This use to work for me on a Mac Pro 5.1 (mid-2010) with Mojave, and is great when you have a TV connected through the wall and have no access to the other screens. However, with a (new purchase) Mac mini 8.1 (2018), I am not seeing this option anymore. Does it need to be enabled? Greatly prefer this solution in my situation.
  • Florian F
    Florian F over 2 years
    What works for me in El Capitan I to press ^⌘F twice. It enters and exits full screen mode and the window remains visible.
  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years
    haha bloody Apple again