Newline in 8086 assembly language: my text prints stair-stepped


Solution 1

You need to print new line and carriage return.

Solution 2

if your using emu80x86 this code should do it

mov dx,13
  mov ah,2
  int 21h  
  mov dx,10
  mov ah,2
  int 21h

Solution 3

This would print a new line:

1) Add in the data segment:

linefeed db 13, 10, "$"

2) And then use this anywhere you need a new line:

; new line
mov ah, 09
mov dx, offset linefeed
int 21h

Solution 4

AS anthony said, Based on your assembler, you need to do a carriage return and line feed to go to next line and place cursor at the beggining of the line. For MASM you can use Call crlf or print values 0dh and 0ah respectively.

Moein Hosseini
Author by

Moein Hosseini

I'm Moein who is into GNU/Linux, programming, open source and reading. Currently, I'm at AmirKabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) for M.S of Information Technology. My search interests are Natural Language Processing, Big Data and Machine Learning. Also, my thesis is about Forecasting the news impact on different aspects of social media users political opinions. Right now I work at BisPhone as Software Engineer. I took up my B.A in Computer Engineering from K.N.Toosi University of Technology and also graduated from Nodets for middle and high school.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Moein Hosseini
    Moein Hosseini almost 2 years

    I'm getting stair-step output like this enter image description here

    My program works correctly, except that when I print a new line, and then print something in the current line, it shows on the next line but with some space before it.

    The program is this: (print a table of multiple numbers from 0 to 9):

    data_seg segment
        I DB 0D
        J DB 0D
        R DB ?
        DIVER DB 10D
        data_seg ends
    stack_seg segment
        stack_seg ends
    code_seg segment
        MAIN proc far
            assume cs:code_seg, ds:data_seg, ss:stack_seg
            MOV AX,data_seg
            MOV DS,AX
                MOV J,0D
                MOV AX,0H
                MOV AL,I
                MUL J
                DIV DIVER 
                MOV R,AH
                ADD AL,48D
                MOV AH,0EH
                INT 10H
                MOV AL,R
                ADD AX,48D
                MOV AH,0EH
                INT 10H
                MOV AX,32D
                MOV AH,0EH
                INT 10H
                INC J 
                MOV AX,0
                MOV AL,J
                SUB AX,10D
                JNZ FOR2
             INC I
             MOV AX,10D
             MOV AH,0EH
             INT 10H
             MOV AX,0
             MOV AL,I
             SUB AX,10D
             JNZ FOR1
            MOV AX,4CH
            INT 21H
            MAIN endp
        code_seg ends
    end MAIN
  • Jainam Jhaveri
    Jainam Jhaveri over 7 years
    this worked for me.. but what does linefeed db 13, 10, "$" exactly do ?