print a string on two different lines


Solution 1

Here are your specific problems:

  • You define msg twice (a86 will barf on that).
  • You call int21 fn9 with the same value of msg so you're not printing the two messages out, just two copies of the first.
  • You don't have a newline character in either message so they'll abut each other rather than be on separate lines.

The solutions to those points (without providing the actual code).

  • Label the second message as msg2.
  • Load msg2 into dx before calling int21 for the second time.
  • Change the messages to put a newline before the '$' symbol (or at least the first one).

Update: Since some other helpful soul has already provided source, here's my solution. I would suggest you learn from this and modify your own code to do a similar thing. If you copy it verbatim from a public site for classwork, you'll almost certainly be caught out for plagiarism:

         jmp start                   ; This will start the program

msg      db  "Hello Word.",0a,"$"    ; A string variable .
msg2     db  "Michael J. Crawley$"   ; A string variable with a value.

start:   mov ah,09                   ; subfunction 9 output a string
         mov dx,offset msg           ; DX for the string
         int 21h                     ; Output the message
         mov dx,offset msg2          ; DX for the string
         int 21h                     ; Output the message
         mov ah,4ch
         mov al,00                   ; Exit code 
         int 21h                     ; End program

This outputs:

Hello Word.
Michael J. Crawley

Solution 2

Two definitions of msg?

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Michael
    Michael almost 2 years

    I am trying to get my program to display a string on two different lines.

    This is a .com program and I am using A86 assembler.

    jmp start               ; This will start the program
      msg   db  "Hello Word.$"      ; A string variable 
      msg   db  "Michael J. Crawley$"   ; A string variable with a value.
      mov ah,09             ; subfunction 9 output a string
      mov dx,offset msg         ; DX for the string
      int 21h               ; Output the message
      int 21h               ; Output the message
      mov ah,4ch
      mov al,00             ; Exit code 
      int 21h               ; End program
  • Michael
    Michael about 14 years
    I am not sure I understand. Should I remove one.... db "Michael J. Crawley$" ; A string variable with a value.
  • Michael Burr
    Michael Burr about 14 years
    Don't DOS int21 calls return a result code in AX as well so it would have to be reloaded before the 2nd call? Or did DOS just set the carry flag to indicate an error.
  • paxdiablo
    paxdiablo about 14 years
    @Michael, not fn9, it returns nothing.
  • Ponkadoodle
    Ponkadoodle about 14 years
    @Mike: No, they each need unique names. You could replace the first "msg" with "msg1", and the second with "msg2".
  • Michael
    Michael about 14 years
    No... I am not a copy paste kind of guy I actually want to learn this. I will try it.
  • Michael
    Michael about 14 years
    0a is the placement of the string?
  • paxdiablo
    paxdiablo about 14 years
    @Mike, 0a is the hex code for a newline (ASCII 10) character. int21/fn9 will intepret this as a request to drop down to the start of a new line.
  • paxdiablo
    paxdiablo about 14 years
    This is why a86 is so good and why Harald is so rightly arrogant :-) It will assemble a file without any of the gumpff required by other assemblers - I always hated masm and it's requirement that I had to provide 25 lines of administrivia just to do a 5-line hello world program. Turbo Assembler took away a lot of that but a86 goes all the way.
  • User.1
    User.1 over 9 years
    Be aware, you might also need a 0Dh byte along with the 0Ah byte to do a complete new line and carriage return