Passing variable to directive's attribute


Angular will interpolate your href attribute after the linking process, however you can observe the attrs. It's in the docs: Directive Attributes

attrs.$observe('href', function ( value ) {
    // here you have the href

See it in action: JSFiddle

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I have just finished a 4-year degree in Physics & Computer Science, and now I am looking to get more into programming. I have been doing Web-Development for seemingly forever. You can talk to me in HTML & CSS, and I also know one thing or another about JS, jQuery, PHP and MySQL. Currently, I am interested in simple 2D game development. I use C++, SDL and OpenGL.

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Ben
    Ben about 2 years

    In AngularJS, how can I use a variable within an attribute of a directive?

    Without any directives, this work fine:

        href="#/fruits/{{ fruit.short }}/details" 
        title="Back to Fruit details">

    Now with directive, this does not work:

        href="#/fruits/{{ fruit.short }}/details" 
        title="Fruit details">
    MyApp.directive( 'backbutton', function() 
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            link: function( scope, element, attrs ) 
                var href    = attrs.href;
                var title   = attrs.title;
                console.log( "href = " + href );    // undefined
                console.log( "title = " + title );  // Fruit details
                element.html('<a href="' + href + '" title="Back to ' + title + '">Back</a>');

    The directive itself works fine for e.g. href="#/fruits/novariableused". But as soon as I use a variable in the href attribute, its value becomes undefined.

    How can I fix this ?