pcs status error httpd_monitor_5000 on server 'not running' (7):


Solution 1

I fixed it by uncommenting status URL in httpd.conf and creating resource this way. Make sure though http://localhost/server-status is accessible before adding resource

pcs resource create httpd apache configfile="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" statusurl="http://localhost/server-status" op monitor interval=5s --group zabbix-cluster

Solution 2

The httpd resource does appear to be running (based on the pcs status output you've shown). Perhaps something stopped the service while Pacemaker was monitoring it, which would throw the error you see above, and trigger a recovery.

If you grep your logs (on the DC: "Current DC: vda-zabserver-b - partition with quorum") for "LogActions", you should see any Start/Stop/Recover/Restart/Leave actions Pacemaker performed on the resources.

If that was the case, you will want to make sure nothing except Pacemaker is managing these clustered services; Pacemaker expects to be the only thing starting and stopping these services.

You can cleanup the error by running the following command:

# pcs resource cleanup httpd

The return code 7, usually means that the service wasn't running when Pacemaker checked its status.

http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.0/html/Pacemaker_Explained/ap-lsb.html http://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/iniscrptact.html


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John Test
Author by

John Test

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • John Test
    John Test almost 2 years

    Error Message

    Failed actions:
        httpd_monitor_5000 on abc-zabserver-b 'not running' (7): call=65,  status=complete, last-rc-change='Wed Jul 15 21:44:43 2015', queued=0ms, exec=8ms

    pcs status

    [root@abc-zabserver-b ~]# pcs status
    Cluster name: abc-zabvip
    Last updated: Wed Jul 15 21:50:52 2015
    Last change: Wed Jul 15 20:38:07 2015
    Stack: cman
    Current DC: abc-zabserver-b - partition with quorum
    Version: 1.1.11-97629de
    2 Nodes configured
    3 Resources configured
    Online: [ abc-zabserver-a abc-zabserver-b ]
    Full list of resources:
    Resource Group: zabbix-cluster
         ClusterIP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started abc-zabserver-b
         zabbix-server      (lsb:zabbix-server):    Started abc-zabserver-b
         httpd      (lsb:httpd):    Started abc-zabserver-b
    Failed actions:
        httpd_monitor_5000 on abc-zabserver-b 'not running' (7): call=65,  status=complete, last-rc-change='Wed Jul 15 21:44:43 2015', queued=0ms, exec=8ms

    Resource configuration

    pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=    cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=5s
    pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
    pcs resource create zabbix-server lsb:zabbix-server op monitor interval=5s
    pcs resource create httpd lsb:httpd op monitor interval=5s
    pcs resource group add zabbix-cluster ClusterIP zabbix-server httpd
    pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
    pcs property set default-resource-stickiness="100"

    pcs config show

    [root@abc-zabserver-b ~]# pcs config show
    Cluster Name: abc-zabvip
    Corosync Nodes:
     abc-zabserver-a abc-zabserver-b
    Pacemaker Nodes:
     abc-zabserver-a abc-zabserver-b
     Group: zabbix-cluster
      Resource: ClusterIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
       Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24
       Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-start-timeout-20s)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-stop-timeout-20s)
               monitor interval=5s (ClusterIP-monitor-interval-5s)
      Resource: zabbix-server (class=lsb type=zabbix-server)
       Operations: monitor interval=5s (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-5s)
      Resource: httpd (class=lsb type=httpd)
       Operations: monitor interval=5s (httpd-monitor-interval-5s)
    Stonith Devices:
    Fencing Levels:
    Location Constraints:
    Ordering Constraints:
    Colocation Constraints:
    Cluster Properties:
     cluster-infrastructure: cman
     dc-version: 1.1.11-97629de
     default-resource-stickiness: 100
     no-quorum-policy: ignore
     stonith-enabled: false


    [root@abc-zabserver-b ~]# cat /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
    <cluster config_version="9" name="abc-zabvip">
        <clusternode name="abc-zabserver-a" nodeid="1">
            <method name="pcmk-redirect">
              <device name="pcmk" port="abc-zabserver-a"/>
        <clusternode name="abc-zabserver-b" nodeid="2">
            <method name="pcmk-redirect">
              <device name="pcmk" port="abc-zabserver-b"/>
      <cman expected_votes="1" port="5405" transport="udpu" two_node="1"/>
        <fencedevice agent="fence_pcmk" name="pcmk"/>