How to remove pacemaker, corosync and pcs thoroughly on CentOS 7?


The reason was the firewall.

Because Corosync uses UDP transport on ports 5404 and 5405, I added:

iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --dports 5404,5405 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp -m multiport --sports 5404,5405 -j ACCEPT
service iptables save

and stop/start all cluster:

pcs cluster stop --all
pcs cluster start --all

Also ran:

service corosync restart

The cluster works. All the nodes can been seen and all of them online.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • cloud_cloud
    cloud_cloud almost 2 years

    Using two nodes:

    • node1:
    • node2:

    Installed HA tools on both servers:

    yum install pacemaker pcs

    (It will include install corosync)

    On both servers:

    passwd hacluster

    Set same password for cluster.

    On both servers:

    systemctl enable pcsd.service
    systemctl start pcsd.service

    Authenticating the cluster nodes:

    node1# pcs cluster auth

    All of them successful authenticated.

    Generating the corosync configuration:

    node1# pcs cluster setup --name mycluster

    Starting the cluster:

    node1# pcs cluster start --all


    Confirm status:

    pcs status corosync
    Membership information
        Nodeid      Votes Name
             2          1
             1          1 (local)

    Get more information about the current status of the cluster:

    pcs cluster status
    Cluster Status:
     Stack: corosync
     2 nodes and 0 resources configured
     Online: [ node1 node2 ]
    PCSD Status:
      node1 ( Online
      node2 ( Online

    Enable the corosync and pacemaker services on both servers:

    systemctl enable corosync.service
    systemctl enable pacemaker.service

    Disabling STONITH

    node1# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false

    After created a float IP and added it to pcs resource, test failover.

    On node1:


    Then got trouble. After it rebooted, run pcs cluster status again, it showed:

      Cluster Status:
       Stack: corosync
       Current DC: centos7lb1 (version 1.1.15-11.el7_3.5-e174ec8) - partition WITHOUT quorum
       Last updated: Sun Jul 23 23:47:53 2017         Last change: Fri Jul 21 05:56:32 2017 by hacluster via crmd on node1
       1 node and 0 resources configured
      PCSD Status:
        node1 ( Online
        *Unknown* ( Online

    Run pcs status on node1:

        Cluster name: mycluster
        WARNING: corosync and pacemaker node names do not match (IPs used in setup?)
        Stack: corosync
        Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.15-11.el7_3.5-e174ec8) - partition WITHOUT quorum
        Last updated: Sun Jul 23 23:58:22 2017          Last change: Fri Jul 21 05:56:32 2017 by hacluster via crmd on node1
        1 node and 0 resources configured
        Online: [ node1 ]
        No resources
        Daemon Status:
          corosync: active/disabled
          pacemaker: active/disabled
          pcsd: active/enabled

    Can't find node2 in the cluster. At the same time check the status on node2, got only one node(node2), too. The same as node1, can't find another node in the cluster.

    I tried to remove pacemaker, corosync and pcs and redo it again. But after do that like:

    yum remove pacemaker pcs

    Then authenticate them:

    pcs cluster auth node1 node2

    Showed they Already authorized.

    At this time, how to join the two nodes into the cluster rightly again? I want to remove them clearly, then how to do?

  • cloud_cloud
    cloud_cloud almost 7 years