"ctrl+space" has been bound to invoke some input method and does not work in Emacs or Eclipse auto-complete


Solution 1

It sounds like you have Ibus running, which uses Ctrl + Space by default to enable/disable the input editor.

You can change the shortcut key assigned to it in Ibus Preferences.

enter image description here

If Ibus is running in the menubar, you can right-click to choose Preference from the menu. If Ibus is not running in the menubar, you can start the Preferences dialog from the Dash by running Keyboard Input Methods or from the terminal with ibus-setup.

Update for 14.04

ibus-setup is no longer available for 14.04. Functions from the former ibus-setup are instead integrated into System Settings >> Text Entry.

Input switching is now set by default to Super + Space, but Ibus may still steal focus from the Control + Space keybinding and cause other system problems, most notably the auto-complete in Eclipse.

Integration of Ibus input switching into the new Text Entry settings is still a work in progress, and this is causing the problem since the older setting still exists behind the scenes.

If you have upgraded from 12.04, ibus-settings should still be available.

In 14.04, you can edit the settings directly is dconf-editor.

If it is not installed:

sudo apt install dconf-editor

Then browse to Desktop >> ibus >> general >> hotkey. The trigger and triggers setting will still show 'control+space'. Edit these settings out, being careful to leave empty brackets [] in triggers.

Solution 2

Disable the IBUS trigger using the commandline:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.general.hotkey triggers @as []

Or if this does not work try if the first one produces an error:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.general.hotkey triggers []

Solution 3

ibus causes me nothing but headaches. Everytime that I try to change the settings, when I reboot, the Ctrl+Space comes back. Here's my solution:

sudo apt-get purge ibus
sudo killall ibus

Now everything works until Ubuntu decides their next stupid thing. Maybe the letter 'o' will map to turning off the computer?

Solution 4

After upgrade to ubuntu 14.04, I had the same problem. What I did.
In Ibus preferences: System > Preferences > Keyboard Input Methods.
There is an option: Next input method it was set to ctrl+space, I removed that and then all started to work back again.

Solution 5

Ubuntu Studio 14.04 (XFCE) here. I didn't have problem with Autocomplete (Ctrl + Space), but with Copy Line (Ctrl + Alt + Down).

This worked for me:

  • Open Windows Manager: xfwm4-settings
  • Go to Keyboard tab
  • Scroll down to conflicting Action
  • Hit Clear button or change action to different shortcut

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Elitists are oppressive, anti-intellectual, ultra-conservative, and cancerous to the society, environment, and humanity. Please help make Stack Exchange a better place. Expose elite supremacy, elitist brutality, and moderation injustice to https://stackoverflow.com/contact (complicit community managers), in comments, to meta, outside Stack Exchange, and by legal actions. Push back and don't let them normalize their behaviors. Changes always happen from the bottom up. Thank you very much! Just a curious self learner. Almost always upvote replies. Thanks for enlightenment! Meanwhile, Corruption and abuses have been rampantly coming from elitists. Supportive comments have been removed and attacks are kept to control the direction of discourse. Outright vicious comments have been removed only to conceal atrocities. Systematic discrimination has been made into policies. Countless users have been harassed, persecuted, and suffocated. Q&A sites are for everyone to learn and grow, not for elitists to indulge abusive oppression, and cover up for each other. https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/posts/419086/revisions https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/32539/ (https://i.stack.imgur.com/4knYh.png) and https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/32548/ (https://i.stack.imgur.com/9gaZ2.png) https://meta.stackexchange.com/posts/353417/timeline (The moderators defended continuous harassment comments showing no reading and understanding of my post) https://cs.stackexchange.com/posts/125651/timeline (a PLT academic had trouble with the books I am reading and disparaged my self learning posts, and a moderator with long abusive history added more insults.) https://stackoverflow.com/posts/61679659/revisions (homework libels) Much more that have happened.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Tim
    Tim almost 2 years

    In Emacs run in terminal, ctrl+space is a standard shortcut key to select region. But under Ubuntu 12.04, it will invoke some input method for non-English language. I was wondering if I can reserve it for Emacs only?

    Under System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts, I couldn't find to what ctrl+space has been bound. Strange.

    Other programs, especially auto-complete in Eclipse, also seem to have a problem handling ctrl+space.

  • Brian Laframboise
    Brian Laframboise about 10 years
    This also fixed autocomplete not working in Eclipse after I upgraded to xubuntu 14.04
  • BoppreH
    BoppreH about 10 years
    My ibus-setup on 14.04 is slightly different and does not have that option.
  • chaskes
    chaskes about 10 years
    @BoppreH 14.04 has changed ibus setup a little. I'll look into it. Thanks.
  • chaskes
    chaskes about 10 years
    @BoppreH 13.10 and 14.04 use super+space for input switching. Are still having trouble using ctrl-space in emacs?
  • BoppreH
    BoppreH about 10 years
    @chaskes Not emacs, eclipse, but it's the same problem. Started with the 14.04 upgrade and I've checked Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts and the shortcut is not there either. Here's what my ibus-setup looks like: i.imgur.com/sJM1utb.png . For some reason left alt is also stealing focus and I don't know why.
  • BoppreH
    BoppreH about 10 years
    dconf-editor fixed my problem, thank you very much @chaskes .
  • Seth Hoenig
    Seth Hoenig almost 10 years
    This fixed the problem, I can't thank you enough!
  • chaskes
    chaskes over 9 years
    Glad it helped. :)
  • Gunnar Hjalmarsson
    Gunnar Hjalmarsson over 9 years
    Yes, it's a Unity thing.
  • Steven C. Howell
    Steven C. Howell about 9 years
    This fixed a problem I was having when running emacs in the terminator terminal (not sure why it never happened in other terminals).
  • Nishad
    Nishad almost 9 years
    Worked for me on Android Studio running on Xubuntu
  • Keith Thompson
    Keith Thompson over 8 years
    I've just run into this with a newly installed Ubuntu 14.04.3. Neither Ctrl-Space nor Ctrl-@ sends a null character in xterm or gnome-terminal. The problem still exists after deleting the "Next input method" setting in IBus Preference and all modifier-Space hotkeys in dconf-editor (desktop > ibus > general > hotkey).
  • Keith Thompson
    Keith Thompson over 8 years
    I just tried this (Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS). It didn't help.
  • Keith Thompson
    Keith Thompson over 8 years
    CORRECTION: Either this, or changing the IBus preferences, or running dconf-editor, did work. I was testing by typing Ctrl-V Ctrl-Space in bash; for some reason bash wasn't accepting it. But Ctrl-Space is generating a null character.
  • Keith Thompson
    Keith Thompson over 8 years
    Correction: After trying both this and Eyal's solution of removing ibus altogether, I am getting a null character when I type Ctrl-Space. I just wasn't seeing it when I typed Ctrl-V Ctrl-Space in bash.
  • Mnebuerquo
    Mnebuerquo over 8 years
    The second command fixed this for me, and it is now in my install script for setting up newly installed ubuntu desktops. Thanks, askubuntu!
  • Stéphane Gourichon
    Stéphane Gourichon about 8 years
    Thanks! This can be done on command line, too xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -r -p " /xfwm4/custom/<Primary><Alt>Up" ; xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -r -p " /xfwm4/custom/<Primary><Alt>Down" ; xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -r -p " /xfwm4/custom/<Primary><Alt>Left" ; xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -r -p " /xfwm4/custom/<Primary><Alt>Right" .