React - change input defaultValue by passing props


Solution 1

As a previous answer mentioned, defaultValue only gets set on initial load for a form. After that, it won't get "naturally" updated because the intent was only to set an initial default value.

You can get around this if you need to by passing a key to the wrapper component, like on your Field or App component, though in more practical circumstances, it would probably be a form component. A good key would be a unique value for the resource being passed to the form - like the id stored in the database, for example.

In your simplified case, you could do this in your Field render:

<div key={this.props.value}>
    <input type="text" defaultValue={this.props.value || ''} />

In a more complex form case, something like this might get what you want if for example, your onSubmit action submitted to an API but stayed on the same page:

const Form = ({item, onSubmit}) => {
  return (
    <form onSubmit={onSubmit} key={}>
        First Name
        <input type="text" name="firstName" defaultValue={item.firstName} />
        Last Name
        <input type="text" name="lastName" defaultValue={item.lastName} />

Form.defaultProps = {
  item: {}

Form.propTypes = {
  item: PropTypes.object,
  onSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired

When using uncontrolled form inputs, we generally don't care about the values until after they are submitted, so that's why it's more ideal to only force a re-render when you really want to update the defaultValues (after submit, not on every change of the individual input).

If you're also editing the same form and fear the API response could come back with different values, you could provide a combined key of something like id plus timestamp.

Solution 2

defaultValue only works for the initial load. After that, it won't get updated. You need to maintain the state for you Field component:

var Field = React.createClass({
    //transfer props to state on load
    getInitialState: function () {
        return {value: this.props.value};
    //if the parent component updates the prop, force re-render
    componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
         this.setState({value: nextProps.value});
    //re-render when input changes
    _handleChange: function (e){
    render: function () {
        // render based on state
        return (
                <input type="text" onChange={this._handleChange} 
                                   value={this.state.value || ''} />

Solution 3

I'm fairly certain this has to do with Controlled vs. Uncontrolled inputs.

If I understand correctly, since your <input> is Uncontrolled (doesn't define a value attribute), then the value will always resolve to the value that it is initialized with. In this case Hello!.

In order to overcome this issue, you can add a value attribute and set it during the onChange:

var Field = React.createClass({
      render: function () {
          // never renders new value...
          return (
                  <input type="text" defaultValue={this.props.default || ''} value={this.props.value} />

Here is a plunker showing the change.

Solution 4

You can make the input conditionally and then every time you want to force an update of the defaultValue you just need to unmount the input and then immediately render it again.

Author by



Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Kosmetika
    Kosmetika almost 2 years

    Consider this example:

    var Field = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            // never renders new value...
            return (
                    <input type="text" defaultValue={this.props.value || ''} />
    var App = React.createClass({
        getInitialState: function () {
            return {value: 'Hello!'};
        changeTo: function (str) {
            this.setState({value: str});
        render: function () {
            return (
                    <Field value={this.state.value} />
                    <button onClick={this.changeTo.bind(null, 'Whyyyy?')}>Change to "Whyyyy?"</button>
                    <button onClick={this.changeTo.bind(null, void 0)}>Change to undefined</button>
        <App />,

    I want to pass value into defaultValue as prop of dumb input component. However it never re-renders it.

  • JohnnyQ
    JohnnyQ almost 8 years
    Is this the cleanest way to resolve uncontrolled inputs? Also I don't see any onChange function on your example.
  • David
    David over 7 years
    This breaks the React philosophy I think
  • Davin Tryon
    Davin Tryon over 7 years
    @JohnnyQ uncontrolled components don't need an onChange. Usually, the value is extracted using a ref.
  • Arthur Kushman
    Arthur Kushman over 7 years
    Splendid, there is a bug with value setting and other keys like onKeyUp/onKeyPress, so if U need, by some circumstances, the onKeyUp event for ex, you should set onChange on the same function, otherwise the value attribute won't be updated.
  • Meysam Feghhi
    Meysam Feghhi almost 7 years
    this should be the best answer
  • azriebakri
    azriebakri almost 6 years
    You're a life saver <3
  • gsziszi
    gsziszi over 5 years
    Using the value as a key is just a hack, it mounts the element as many times as the value changes. Although it could solve your problem it is not the best way to update your input value. Actually it does not update the value but creates a new one (it can lead to memory leaks in extreme cases). It is better to use a controlled input field instead of this solution.
  • Yehuda Kremer
    Yehuda Kremer over 4 years
    BTW for multiple values you can use: key={[props.values.a, props.values.b]}
  • Harshad Prajapati
    Harshad Prajapati over 4 years
    You save my day!
  • Harshad Prajapati
    Harshad Prajapati over 4 years
    This should be the best answer
  • bikram
    bikram about 4 years
    @Sia key={this.props.value} is the solution. Do you think that it has any performance impact?
  • siva surya
    siva surya over 3 years
    Felt lucky to see this fix sooner :)