ReactorNotRestartable error in while loop with scrapy


Solution 1

By default, CrawlerProcess's .start() will stop the Twisted reactor it creates when all crawlers have finished.

You should call process.start(stop_after_crawl=False) if you create process in each iteration.

Another option is to handle the Twisted reactor yourself and use CrawlerRunner. The docs have an example on doing that.

Solution 2

I was able to solve this problem like this. process.start() should be called only once.

from time import sleep
from scrapy import signals
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings
from scrapy.xlib.pydispatch import dispatcher

result = None

def set_result(item):
    result = item

while True:
    process = CrawlerProcess(get_project_settings())
    dispatcher.connect(set_result, signals.item_scraped)



Solution 3


 import scrapy
 from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
 from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings     
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from twisted.internet.task import deferLater

 def sleep(self, *args, seconds):
    """Non blocking sleep callback"""
    return deferLater(reactor, seconds, lambda: None)

 process = CrawlerProcess(get_project_settings())

 def _crawl(result, spider):
    deferred = process.crawl(spider)
    deferred.addCallback(lambda results: print('waiting 100 seconds before 
    deferred.addCallback(sleep, seconds=100)
    deferred.addCallback(_crawl, spider)
    return deferred

_crawl(None, MySpider)

Solution 4

For a particular process once you call or process.start() you cannot rerun those commands. The reason is the reactor cannot be restarted. The reactor will stop execution once the script completes the execution.

So the best option is to use different subprocesses if you need to run the reactor multiple times.

you can add the content of while loop to a function(say execute_crawling). Then you can simply run this using different subprocesses. For this python Process module can be used. Code is given below.

from multiprocessing import Process
def execute_crawling():
    process = CrawlerProcess(get_project_settings())#same way can be done for Crawlrunner
    dispatcher.connect(set_result, signals.item_scraped)

if __name__ == '__main__':
for k in range(Number_of_times_you_want):
    p = Process(target=execute_crawling)
    p.join() # this blocks until the process terminates

Solution 5

I could advice you to run scrapers using subprocess module

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

spider = Popen(["scrapy", "crawl", "spider_name", "-a", "argument=value"], stdout=PIPE)

Author by


Updated on August 07, 2021


  • k_wit
    k_wit almost 3 years

    I get twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRestartable error when I execute following code:

    from time import sleep
    from scrapy import signals
    from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
    from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings
    from scrapy.xlib.pydispatch import dispatcher
    result = None
    def set_result(item):
        result = item
    while True:
        process = CrawlerProcess(get_project_settings())
        dispatcher.connect(set_result, signals.item_scraped)
        if result:

    For the first time it works, then I get error. I create process variable each time, so what's the problem?

  • Ilia w495 Nikitin
    Ilia w495 Nikitin about 7 years
    process.start(stop_after_crawl=False) — will block the main process
  • paul trmbrth
    paul trmbrth about 7 years
    @Iliaw495Nikitin, CrawlerProcess.start() will run the reactor and give back control to the thread when the crawl is finished, correct. is that an issue here? The alternative scrapy.crawler.CrawlerRunner's .crawl() "Returns a deferred that is fired when the crawling is finished."
  • Burak Kaymakci
    Burak Kaymakci over 3 years
    Blocking wouldn't be a good idea for AWS Lambda, would it? I have literally spent half a day just to figure out how to get this running on AWS Lambda, still nothing.
  • paul trmbrth
    paul trmbrth over 3 years
    I have no idea how AWS Lambda work. You may want to post a new question.