Remove _postgres user safely and completely from Mac /etc/passwd


Use the command brew remove postgresql. Or investigate the uninstall scripts manually.

Edit: Have you tried this?

  • Quit & drag it to the Trash

  • Delete the data directory (default location: ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres)

  • Delete preferences for by executing the following command: defaults delete com.postgresapp.Postgres2

  • Remove the $PATH config for the command line tools (optional): sudo rm /etc/paths.d/postgresapp

Edit 2: To delete a user from the command line, boot into single user mode. Hold Command-s at startup. Check the filesystem: /sbin/fsck -fy If no remaining errors, mount the filesystem: /sbin/mount -uw / Start up directory services: launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Note that single user mode said to use, but that didn't work -- this did. Find what groups the user belongs to: dscl . -list /groups GroupMembership | grep username -- repeat for each group except for the user's own group. Remove the group corresponding to the username: dscl . delete /groups/username (this may not be necessary -- you may get an error that the group doesn't exist; you can ignore it and go on). Remove the user account: dscl . delete /users/username At this point, you may wish to remove or archive the user folder in /Users. You may wish to remove the .AppleSetupDone file in /var/db to cause the Setup Assistant to run when next booted. Type reboot to reboot the system or shutdown -h now to shut down the system.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • AJP
    AJP almost 2 years

    I'm am attempting to reinstall PostgreSQL as I am unable to log into it at all. I realise I had installed it a long time ago using both the installer from the postgres website and brew install postgres. I have uninstalled both of these now:

    However I have a _postgres user left in /etc/passwd:

    $ grep post /etc/passwd
    _postgres:*:216:216:PostgreSQL Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false

    There are no userdel or usermod commands available on Mac (10.11 El Capitan) and the alternative seems excessively complex (but perhaps necessarily so?)

  • AJP
    AJP about 7 years
    thanks for the help. I have edited answer to make it clear I have already run this command
  • user2497
    user2497 about 7 years
    Oh - well, perhaps then reading the install/uninstall scripts will not be helpful.
  • user2497
    user2497 about 7 years
    I once messed around in the guts of OSX, assuming a normal passwd/group configuration. Even then it was a filthy experience. Jobs certainly made FreeBSD weirder.
  • AJP
    AJP about 7 years
    Wow... that is intimidating. Thank you very much for your answer. Playing whack-a-mole with postgres has at some point resulted in success. When I reinstall with brew and ran createdb `whoami` I can now login to a psql shell successfully :) Thank you very much for the detailed answer. I'm going to mark this as correct though I haven't summoned the courage to try it!
  • user2497
    user2497 about 7 years
    It is prudent to perform a backup. I am not sure why they got rid of the classical passwd/group system, but it is certainly possible regardless of this obfuscation. When I went cavediving in OSX, I was also removing a user account that wouldn't be removed with conventional weapons, but that was long ago.
  • user2497
    user2497 about 7 years
    IIRC, on a multivolume setup, if you have your Users folder on another disk, you must invoke mount -uwa