Scipy rotate and zoom an image without changing its dimensions


Solution 1

scipy.ndimage.rotate accepts a reshape= parameter:

reshape : bool, optional

If reshape is true, the output shape is adapted so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default is True.

So to "clip" the edges you can simply call scipy.ndimage.rotate(img, ..., reshape=False).

from scipy.ndimage import rotate
from scipy.misc import face
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

img = face()
rot = rotate(img, 30, reshape=False)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)

enter image description here

Things are more complicated for scipy.ndimage.zoom.

A naive method would be to zoom the entire input array, then use slice indexing and/or zero-padding to make the output the same size as your input. However, in cases where you're increasing the size of the image it's wasteful to interpolate pixels that are only going to get clipped off at the edges anyway.

Instead you could index only the part of the input that will fall within the bounds of the output array before you apply zoom:

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom

def clipped_zoom(img, zoom_factor, **kwargs):

    h, w = img.shape[:2]

    # For multichannel images we don't want to apply the zoom factor to the RGB
    # dimension, so instead we create a tuple of zoom factors, one per array
    # dimension, with 1's for any trailing dimensions after the width and height.
    zoom_tuple = (zoom_factor,) * 2 + (1,) * (img.ndim - 2)

    # Zooming out
    if zoom_factor < 1:

        # Bounding box of the zoomed-out image within the output array
        zh = int(np.round(h * zoom_factor))
        zw = int(np.round(w * zoom_factor))
        top = (h - zh) // 2
        left = (w - zw) // 2

        # Zero-padding
        out = np.zeros_like(img)
        out[top:top+zh, left:left+zw] = zoom(img, zoom_tuple, **kwargs)

    # Zooming in
    elif zoom_factor > 1:

        # Bounding box of the zoomed-in region within the input array
        zh = int(np.round(h / zoom_factor))
        zw = int(np.round(w / zoom_factor))
        top = (h - zh) // 2
        left = (w - zw) // 2

        out = zoom(img[top:top+zh, left:left+zw], zoom_tuple, **kwargs)

        # `out` might still be slightly larger than `img` due to rounding, so
        # trim off any extra pixels at the edges
        trim_top = ((out.shape[0] - h) // 2)
        trim_left = ((out.shape[1] - w) // 2)
        out = out[trim_top:trim_top+h, trim_left:trim_left+w]

    # If zoom_factor == 1, just return the input array
        out = img
    return out

For example:

zm1 = clipped_zoom(img, 0.5)
zm2 = clipped_zoom(img, 1.5)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)

enter image description here

Solution 2

I recommend using cv2.resize because it is way faster than scipy.ndimage.zoom, probably due to support for simpler interpolation methods.

For a 480x640 image :

  • cv2.resize takes ~2 ms
  • scipy.ndimage.zoom takes ~500 ms
  • scipy.ndimage.zoom(...,order=0) takes ~175ms

If you are doing the data augmentation on the fly, this amount of speedup is invaluable because it means more experiments in less time.

Here is a version of clipped_zoom using cv2.resize

def cv2_clipped_zoom(img, zoom_factor=0):

    Center zoom in/out of the given image and returning an enlarged/shrinked view of 
    the image without changing dimensions
        img : ndarray
            Image array
        zoom_factor : float
            amount of zoom as a ratio [0 to Inf). Default 0.
        result: ndarray
           numpy ndarray of the same shape of the input img zoomed by the specified factor.          
    if zoom_factor == 0:
        return img

    height, width = img.shape[:2] # It's also the final desired shape
    new_height, new_width = int(height * zoom_factor), int(width * zoom_factor)
    ### Crop only the part that will remain in the result (more efficient)
    # Centered bbox of the final desired size in resized (larger/smaller) image coordinates
    y1, x1 = max(0, new_height - height) // 2, max(0, new_width - width) // 2
    y2, x2 = y1 + height, x1 + width
    bbox = np.array([y1,x1,y2,x2])
    # Map back to original image coordinates
    bbox = (bbox / zoom_factor).astype(
    y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox
    cropped_img = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]
    # Handle padding when downscaling
    resize_height, resize_width = min(new_height, height), min(new_width, width)
    pad_height1, pad_width1 = (height - resize_height) // 2, (width - resize_width) //2
    pad_height2, pad_width2 = (height - resize_height) - pad_height1, (width - resize_width) - pad_width1
    pad_spec = [(pad_height1, pad_height2), (pad_width1, pad_width2)] + [(0,0)] * (img.ndim - 2)
    result = cv2.resize(cropped_img, (resize_width, resize_height))
    result = np.pad(result, pad_spec, mode='constant')
    assert result.shape[0] == height and result.shape[1] == width
    return result
Author by


Updated on July 14, 2022


  • chasep255
    chasep255 almost 2 years

    For my neural network I want to augment my training data by adding small random rotations and zooms to my images. The issue I am having is that scipy is changing the size of my images when it applies the rotations and zooms. I need to to just clip the edges if part of the image goes out of bounds. All of my images must be the same size.

    def loadImageData(img, distort = False):
        c, fn = img
        img = scipy.ndimage.imread(fn, True)
        if distort:
            img = scipy.ndimage.zoom(img, 1 + 0.05 * rnd(), mode = 'constant')
            img = scipy.ndimage.rotate(img, 10 * rnd(), mode = 'constant')
        img = img - np.min(img)
        img = img / np.max(img)
        img = np.reshape(img, (1, *img.shape))
        y = np.zeros(ncats)
        y[c] = 1
        return (img, y)
  • MohamedEzz
    MohamedEzz over 6 years
    scipy.ndimage.zoom is too slow (no idea why) so your function takes ~500ms for a (480,640) image
  • MohamedEzz
    MohamedEzz over 6 years
    Maybe spline interpolation is causing the slowdown. Also the zoom center is bottom right corner for zoom-in and center for zoom-out which is confusing. I'd use cv2.resize instead
  • ali_m
    ali_m over 6 years
    @MohamedEzz "Also the zoom center is bottom right corner for zoom-in and center for zoom-out which is confusing." - zooming should be about the center of the image, however there was a bug in the way I was computing the bounding box of the zoomed region when zoom_factor > 1, which I've now fixed. clipped_zoom propagates keyword arguments to scipy.ndimage.zoom, so you can pass order=0 if cubic spline interpolation is too slow. I don't doubt that cv2.resize is faster, but OpenCV is a heavy dependency and OP was asking for a scipy-based solution.
  • MohamedEzz
    MohamedEzz over 6 years
    thanks for the clarification. Re: runtime, in my answer below i quickly benchmarked order=3 and order=0 and it is still much slower. Agreed that the question is primarily on Scipy but it think there isn't a restriction not to use the better cv2.
  • kg_sYy
    kg_sYy almost 4 years
    The rounding in int(np.round(h * zoom_factor)) seems to sometimes cause the resulting image to be 1 pixel smaller than target. The calculation then gets -1 as diff and you get image pixel size 1 for output. Changing to np.ceil() instead of np.round() seems to fix it.
  • Laurin Herbsthofer
    Laurin Herbsthofer almost 3 years
    Thanks for posting the entire function, very helpful!
  • Aelius
    Aelius over 2 years
    It's a good function. I think that may be better if it can also handle a 0 zoom factor returning th original img. This could be done easily adding a control statement on the zoom parameter at the beginning. I propose an edit if you agree.