Shift + F10 does not work in Windows 8


Solution 1

If you have SnagIt installed, check it's hotkey default, it is configured to capture Shift + F10. Change it to something else to get Shift + F10 workiing normally again.

Solution 2

Windows 8.1 has that key combination built-in. Though applications do have their own keyboard shortcuts, which could be hijacking that combo, another possibility is that an additional key, e.g. Fn, needs to be pressed. This "multimedia feature" can be enabled or disabled, see or

If that does not resolve the issue, you may have to uninstall recently added programs, one at a time, until you find the culprit, or use System Restore to get the feature back. [If all else fails, an external mouse is ~US$5. ;-) ]

Solution 3

I had same issue. But mine is a Windows 10 Lenovo. Try Shift+Fn+F10. It worked for me


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Naveen
    Naveen almost 2 years

    I have a Dell laptop and it does not have the right click menu key. In the preceding link it is mentioned that either Shift + F10 or Ctrl + Shift + F10 works as right click menu key.

    The key combination of Shift + F10 used to work for me but now it has stopped working. Neither does Ctrl + Shift + F10. And I can't figure out why?

    Can anyone give me some pointers where I should be looking for this to work again? Can programs hijack key-combination functions? If yes then any way to find out which programs?

  • Aamir Waheed
    Aamir Waheed about 4 years
    Thank you, it was the case for me.