Styling file upload button for simple_form_for with Bootstrap in Rails 3


Solution 1

This is how I do it:

  1. In the view add your form file field and hide it
  2. Add a styled additional field just to display the file name
  3. Add a button to trigger the file browse dialog

    <div class="control-group">
      <div class="attach-set">
        <%= f.input :real_file, input_html: { hidden: true }, label: 'Upload Attachment' %>
        <div class="input-append">
          <input id="file-display" class="input-large uneditable-input" type="text">
          <a id="upload-btn" class="btn"><i class="icon-upload-alt"></i> Browse</a>
      </div> <!-- /attach-set -->
    </div> <!-- /control-group -->
  4. In your JS (Coffee w/ jQuery shown), pass the click from the display button onto the real file input and when they select a file drop the file name in the display text field (I drop the path so that I don't see C:\FakePath....)

    $(document).ready ->
      # ------------------------------------------------------
      # pretty-fy the upload field
      # ------------------------------------------------------
      $realInputField = $('#real_file')
      # drop just the filename in the display field
      $realInputField.change ->
        $('#file-display').val $(@).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
      # trigger the real input field click to bring up the file selection dialog
      $('#upload-btn').click ->

Solution 2

This worked great for me and only requires HTML

<label class="btn btn-primary">
  Add a file!
  <span style="display:none;">
    <%= f.file_field :image, required: true, multiple: true, name: 'picture' %>

Solution 3

I ran across and am using Jasny's extension to Bootstrap 3. It seems to work well so far.

Solution 4

No JS required, just plain css


.fileinput-button {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 4px;
  width: 110px;
  height: 32px;
    opacity: 0;
    filter: alpha(opacity=0);
    transform: translate(-300px, 0) scale(4);
    direction: ltr;
    cursor: pointer;

html / slim

span class="btn btn-success fileinput-button"
   |  Select File
  = f.file_field :cover_ar

I recommend using compass for cross browser compatibility

Solution 5

Every Browser has a different type of file input field button and this makes it a pain. You can play a little with css. This has given me a basic styling with JS without the annoying "No file chosen" text in chrome and Safary:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".your_button").css("width", "80px");

Otherwise the best solution is to hide it and show a fake one that intercepts the click:

With respect to the question of how to show that a file has been uploaded, a basic solution with jquery file upload is to detect the upload complete event and replace some of your text with a success message (The exact file name I believe it is not possible to obtain with modern browsers):

    dataType: "json",
    done: function(e, data) {
        $(".place_for_your_text").text("File uploaded.");

In summary, a basic solution is to use javascript in your assets to:

  1. Hide the annoying "No file chosen text" with css.
  2. Place your "Chose file" text next to the button and give it a class you can reference.
  3. Replace the text with "File uploaded"
Author by


Updated on January 15, 2022


  • tibbon
    tibbon over 2 years

    Using simple_form_for, Bootstrap and Rails 3. In a form:

    <%= f.input :upload, label: 'PDF file:' , input_html: {accept: ('application/pdf') } %>

    I don't know how I'd style this so that the "choose file" button can have a different class ('btn btn-primary').

    Additionally, when using with Bootstrap at least, its severely misaligned by default. See attached image.

    Finally, how do I redefine the text from "No file chosen" to "Chose file" when there isn't one added yet, and show the file name when there is one.

    enter image description here

  • Ernesto
    Ernesto over 9 years
    Great answer. I have only one question: what does the 'uneditable-input' class does?
  • BSB
    BSB over 9 years
    uneditable-input it's a bootstrap class that just disables the input field so that the only way to change the contents is via the file picker
  • Thomas Walther
    Thomas Walther over 9 years
    You have two small typos in your CSS (one missing semicolon, one missing }), and for Safari support, it is helpful to add -webkit-transform: translate(-300px, 0)scale(4);. Other than that, great solution, thanks a lot!
  • Wraithseeker
    Wraithseeker over 8 years
    My file input does not seem to get hidden, does anyone have any idea why?
  • frank
    frank almost 8 years
    @Wraithseeker, The hidden: true is overwritten by display: block of input[type="file"] when I did the inspect input[type="file"] { 1. display: block; } [hidden], template { 2. display: none; } You can add a class inside input_html: {class: 'hidden-input'} and a more specific rule in you scss: products.scss // Product new/edit (ie. _form) input[type="file"].hidden-input { display: none; }
  • Guy
    Guy almost 8 years
    I had to do this (HAML): = f.input :pic, as: :hidden, input_html: { hidden: true, type: "file", class: "file required" } to hide the original file upload box. Also, to get it readonly the "uneditable-field" class didn't work for me so I added readonly: true. Works great!