SVG animation delay on each repetition


Solution 1

You can add the end event of a SMIL animated element to the begin attribute.
Also, you can add multiple values, separated by ; to this begin attribute :

<svg xmlns="" width="300px" height="100px">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="15" fill="blue">
    <animate id="op" attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"
             from="1" to="0" dur="3s" begin="3s;op.end+3s" />

Solution 2

Define dummy loop and set relative start time. See How to make SVG Loop Animation?

<svg xmlns="" width="300px" height="200px">
    <animate id="o1" begin="0;o1.end" dur="10s"
    attributeName="visibility" from="hide" to="hide"/>
  <circle fill="orange" cx="-50" cy="100" r="20">
    <animate begin="o1.begin" 
    attributeName="cx" from="250" to="50" dur="5.05s"/>
  <circle fill="blue" cx="150" cy="100" r="50" />
  <circle fill="orange" cx="-50" cy="100" r="20">
    <animate begin="o1.begin+5s" 
    attributeName="cx" from="50" to="250" dur="5.05s"/>

Solution 3

Below an example of "closing eyes"... thanks to the suggestions in this thread.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 80 16"><g>
  <g >
  <ellipse cx="9.45" cy="7.7" rx="0.96" ry="0.96" style="stroke: none; fill: black;">
   <animate id="op" attributeName="ry" attributeType="XML"
             begin="3s;op.end+3s" dur="0.15s"
             fill="remove" repeatCount="2"
  <ellipse cx="14.6" cy="7.8" rx="0.8" ry="0.8" style="stroke: none; fill: black;">
   <animate id="op" attributeName="ry" attributeType="XML"
             begin="3s;op.end+3s" dur="0.15s"
             fill="remove" repeatCount="2"
Ben Murden
Author by

Ben Murden

Microcomputer software developer

Updated on July 31, 2022


  • Ben Murden
    Ben Murden almost 2 years

    I'd like to add a delay to each iteration of an SVG animation loop. Here's a simple example.

    <svg xmlns="" width="100px" height="100px">
      <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="15" fill="blue">
        <animate id="op" attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"
                 from="1" to="0" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" />

    Using begin only delays the first iteration, so is there a way to delay every iteration?

  • Ben Murden
    Ben Murden almost 9 years
    Marvellous, thank you! I was confused at first, because I had not realised that this does not work with repeatCount.
  • Kaiido
    Kaiido almost 9 years
    well actually repeatCount is still active and the end event fires at the end of the finite repeatCount.
  • Ben Murden
    Ben Murden almost 9 years
    Thanks for your answer, but I don't think this specifically addresses the question. I needed a delay on an indefinite number of repetitions, where these examples appear to be finite.
  • Ben Murden
    Ben Murden almost 9 years
    I suppose I should be more specific and say the animation never ends if you have repeatCount="indefinite" - the end event is never reached! I don't see a specific mention of a default on MDN, but I assume it is set to 1 if not defined.
  • Kaiido
    Kaiido almost 9 years
    Well actually it is ignored if the duration is set : specs but yes if repeatCount is set to indefinite, end won't fire, ever. That's why I said "at the end of the finite repeatCount"
  • Blue Lovag
    Blue Lovag almost 3 years
    Hello Kaiido, I don't see a repeat count in your example, why does the animation start itself again? In my case the animation doesn't.
  • Kaiido
    Kaiido almost 3 years
    @BlueLovag as said in the answer, it uses the end event (op.end) The syntax is [id of the animate element].end ensure you've set the id correctly.