Swap case of letters in string input parameter


Solution 1

EDIT - Way simpler than my original answer, and supports both ASCII and unicode. Thanks commenters.

a = 'aBcD'
>> AbCd

Original answer - disregard

a = 'aBcD'
''.join(map(str.swapcase, a))
>> AbCd

This will map the str.swapcase() function to each element of the string a, swapping the case of each character and returning an list of characters.

''.join() will join each character in the list into a new string.

Solution 2

You should look into string.maketrans to create a translation table that could be used with str.translate. Other constants which will probably be useful are string.ascii_lowercase and string.ascii_uppercase.

Author by


Updated on June 27, 2022


  • billwild
    billwild almost 2 years

    I would like to write a function in Python that takes a string which has lower and upper case letters as a parameter and converts upper case letters to lower case, and lower case letters to upper case.

    For example:

    >>> func('DDDddddd')

    I want to do it with strings but I couldn't figure out how.

  • billwild
    billwild over 11 years
    i tried to do it with x.islower() or x.lower() but it print all uppercase or all lowercase. İ want to turn upper to lower, lower to upper
  • mgilson
    mgilson over 11 years
    @user1829771 -- you could do it that way too. You'd just need to build a list and then join it with str.join. e.g. ''.join(['a','b','c']) yields 'abc'
  • Aesthete
    Aesthete over 11 years
    Yay learning is fun! I've learnt alot of python's subtleties from your answers @mgilson so I'm glad to pay it back.
  • Steven Rumbalski
    Steven Rumbalski over 11 years
    Why work on individual characters? 'aBcD'.swapcase() is sufficient.
  • Jon Clements
    Jon Clements over 11 years
    If there's str.swapcase - why not just 'Ab'.swapcase() - d0h - beaten by Steve by 20 seconds :)?
  • Aesthete
    Aesthete over 11 years
    Wow, what was I thinking. Thanks guys.