T SQL - null variable


Solution 1

if @parameterVariable = null is wrong. Change it to if @parameterVariable IS NULL.

Here is a SQL Fiddle demonstrating this: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!6/6cb42/1

Solution 2

use optional parameter:

    @param1 varchar(50) = null,

        SELECT col1, col2
        FROM Table1
                ((@Param1 IS NULL) OR (col1 = @Param1)) 

Solution 3

when debugging in SMSS, you must check the box that says "Pass null value". otherwise your value is an empty string or somesuch.

I use the pattern you suggest all the time, and it works well for me.

Solution 4

i suggest you to read this page => ANSI NULLS

actually if @var = null is not wrong, everything depends on the value of ANSI_NULLS :)

Computer Guy
Author by

Computer Guy

Updated on June 27, 2022


  • Computer Guy
    Computer Guy about 2 years

    I have a stored procedure being called from an .aspx.cs page. I have a parameter that sometimes cannot be sent when the sproc is called. Because of this I'm doing the following:

     IF @variable is null
             ...do this...
             ...do that...

    My problem is in the IF statement. As far as I can tell when I use any of the following:

    • if @parameterVariable = null
    • if @parameterVariable = ''
    • if @parameterVariable <= 0

    Nothing happens!? When I debug the sproc in SSMS I find that (even though the parameter is empty (no user selection)) that the cursor goes to and runs the code in the ELSE statement. Am I doing something wrong?


    • asawyer
      asawyer over 11 years
      Is @parameterVariable actually null ?
    • Computer Guy
      Computer Guy over 11 years
      I'm using Declare @variable and set @variable = null Typically however the parameter will contain a value. However I found and am correcting the sproc to manage when the user doesn't make the selection and the parameter isn't defined.
    • asawyer
      asawyer over 11 years
      You probably have an issue somewhere else, this works fine. See: sqlfiddle.com/#!3/d41d8/6290
    • Coding Duchess
      Coding Duchess over 11 years
      can you post the code for your stored procedure?
    • Martin Smith
      Martin Smith over 11 years
      All those comparisons with NULL (except for IS NULL) result in unknown not true or false. Read up on three valued logic.
  • Computer Guy
    Computer Guy over 11 years
    Where can I find the "Pass null value" checkbox?
  • Frank Thomas
    Frank Thomas over 11 years
    Right click a stored proc, and select 'Execute Stored procedure', and fill in the arguments you want.
  • Computer Guy
    Computer Guy over 11 years
    Thats a great tool. Thanks, still troubleshooting, not sure if this is what I needed yet. (yeppers I'm still noob)
  • Robert Kaucher
    Robert Kaucher over 11 years
    Dominic I added a SQL Fiddle as an example.
  • Robert Kaucher
    Robert Kaucher over 11 years
    When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, the Equals (=) and Not Equal To (<>) comparison operators do not follow the ISO standard. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns the rows that have null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns the rows that have nonnull values in the column. Also, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> XYZ_value returns all rows that are not XYZ_value and that are not NULL. I would argue that this qualifies for "wrong". But really, to each their own!
  • Robert Kaucher
    Robert Kaucher over 11 years
    That is why I used quotes. I'm in no way making a moral judgement. But I do think one should use ANSI SQL as much as possible. Just because it is there does not mean it is "good".
  • Computer Guy
    Computer Guy over 11 years
    This works for other scenarios, no doubt ...and thank you ElenaDBA... however the ((@Param1 IS NULL is the exact issue that caused me to need to handle the entire rest of the procedure in an if else scenario. I'll spare you the details, thank you again!
  • Martin Smith
    Martin Smith over 11 years
    This option goes back to Sybase days. It is deprecated and as your link says "in a future version of SQL Server, ANSI_NULLS will always be ON"
  • fnurglewitz
    fnurglewitz over 11 years
    ok :) then I admit that it should be "wrong" without quotes :)