Timestamp formats and time zones in Spark (scala API)


The cause of the problem is the time format string used for conversion:


As you may see, Z is inside single quotes, which means that it is not interpreted as the zone offset marker, but only as a character like T in the middle.

So, the format string should be changed to


where X is the Java standard date time formatter pattern (Z being the offset value for 0).

Now, the source data can be converted to UTC timestamps:

val srcDF = Seq(

val convertedDF = srcDF.select(to_utc_timestamp(date_format($"Timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX"), "Europe/Berlin").as("converted"))


|-- converted: timestamp (nullable = true)

|converted              |
|2018-04-10 13:30:34.45 |
|2018-04-10 13:45:55.4  |
|2018-04-10 14:00:00.234|
|2018-04-10 14:15:04.34 |
|2018-04-10 14:30:23.45 |

If you need to convert the timestamps back to strings and normalize the values to have 3 trailing zeros, there should be another date_format call, similar to what you have already applied in the question.


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Playing With BI
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Playing With BI

I’ve worked for several years in different areas; I was programming applications since High school, from my first presentation using LogoWriter when I was thirteen, until now when I’m involved with a huge variety of technologies for data analysis, machine learning, data warehousing and big data.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Playing With BI
    Playing With BI almost 2 years

    ******* UPDATE ********

    As suggested in the comments I eliminated the irrelevant part of the code:

    My requirements:

    1. Unify number of milliseconds to 3
    2. Transform string to timestamp and keep the value in UTC

    Create dataframe:

    val df = Seq("2018-09-02T05:05:03.456Z","2018-09-02T04:08:32.1Z","2018-09-02T05:05:45.65Z").toDF("Timestamp")

    Here the reults using the spark shell:

    enter image description here

    ************ END UPDATE *********************************

    I am having a nice headache trying to deal with time zones and timestamp formats in Spark using scala.

    This is a simplification of my script to explain my problem:

     import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
     val jsonRDD  = sc.wholeTextFiles("file:///data/home2/phernandez/vpp/Test_Message.json")
     val jsonDF =  spark.read.json(jsonRDD.map(f => f._2))

    This is the resulting schema:

     |-- MeasuredValues: array (nullable = true)
     |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
     |    |    |-- MeasuredValue: double (nullable = true)
     |    |    |-- Status: long (nullable = true)
     |    |    |-- Timestamp: string (nullable = true)

    Then I just select the Timestamp field as follows


    Timestamp with different milliseconds length

    First thing I want to fix is the number of milliseconds of every timestamp and unify it to three.

    I applied the date_format as follows


    Milliseconds unified but time zone change

    Milliseconds format was fixed but timestamp is converted from UTC to local time.

    To tackle this issue, I applied the to_utc_timestamp together with my local time zone.


    to_utc_timestamp output

    Even worst, UTC value is not returned, and the milliseconds format is lost.

    Any Ideas how to deal with this? I will appreciated it 😊

    BR. Paul

    • zero323
      zero323 over 5 years
      I would recommend removing all the irrelevant code - reading JSON, explode and such - they don't bring anything to the question. You could provide a MCVE with simple Seq(...).toDF("timestamp") instead.
  • Playing With BI
    Playing With BI over 5 years
    Hi Antot, thanks for you answer. I applied what you proposed and it worked. If I then apply the date_format again as suggested I got values like this: "2018-04-10T13:30:34.450+02" which I think is wrong, offset should be zero, shouldn't be?
  • Antot
    Antot over 5 years
    Yes, the offset should be 0 or Z. +02 is there because the local zone offset is added. If you reuse the original quoted 'Z' in this last conversion pattern, that should work as expected.