tmux - scroll up/down with shift + page up/down into a pane


Solution 1

Here's a solution that should just work with your muscle memory, allowing you to use Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown as you would in the normal terminal.

bind -n Pageup copy-mode -u
bind -n S-Pageup copy-mode -u
bind -n S-Pagedown send-keys Pagedown

If you're using Vim, you'll want to conditionally enable this binding or it'll mess things up when you use PageUp, etc in vim inside of tmux.

is_vim="ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}' \
    | grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'"
bind -n Pageup if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys Pageup" "copy-mode -u"
bind -n S-Pageup if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys Pageup" "copy-mode -u"
bind -n S-Pagedown send-keys Pagedown

(Thanks to @mjwhitta's solution, which this refines)

Solution 2

To scroll up you can do:

bind -n S-Pageup copy-mode -u

The above doesn't appear to work on a Mac, so I tested with:

bind -n S-Up copy-mode -u

As far as I can tell, after pressing S-Up, you can continue to use S-Up or just page-up to keep scrolling up. You can use page-down to scroll down. These aren't exactly the key-bindings you were looking for, so I apologize. This should get you closer to your goal I hope.


I just tested with:

bind -n Pageup copy-mode -u

and this allows you to use just page-up and page-down.

Solution 3

Yes I know this question is old but it's not that far down in the google results and I just spent a lot of time to find out how to do it simply because almost no google result contained an answer, only questions.

AFAIK only one pane scrolls when in copy mode. To go into copy mode you can use prefix-[ and then scroll using C-up and C-down or you can set your own keybindings (in the config file) which in emacs-mode looks like this:

bind-key -t emacs-copy -n S-PPage halfpage-up
bind-key -t emacs-copy -n S-NPage halfpage-down

This will set the key combinations Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown to scroll half a page up respectively down when in copy mode. When you're using vi-mode you need to change it to something like this:

bind-key -t vi-copy -n S-PPage halfpage-up
bind-key -t vi-copy -n S-NPage halfpage-down

Now if you want to enter copy mode "automatically" and don't want to use prefix-[ you could add the following line to your config file:

bind-key -t root -n S-PPage copy-mode -u

This would open copy mode and scroll a (full) page up when pressing Shift+PageUp in Edit-Mode (default-mode). To only open copy mode without already scrolling up a page, simply omit the -u. And if you want to scroll a full page up/down or just a line you can use the keywords page-up, scroll-up or use one of the commands

tmux list-keys -t vi-copy
tmux list-keys -t emacs-copy

to see a complete list of options to use and default keybindings.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user1610662
    user1610662 over 1 year

    I would like to be able to scroll up/down into a given pane with the same keybinding that xterm does, i.e SHIFT + Page Up/Down.

    For example, if the tmux window is divided into 2 vertical panes, I could scroll on one of the two with keyboard while the other one does not scroll.

    Is it possible ?

    Here's my tmux.conf :

    set -g status off
    set -g prefix C-o
    unbind C-b
    bind C-o send-prefix
    # settings -------------------------------------------------------------
    setw -g utf8 on
    setw -g xterm-keys on
    set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
    set-option -g set-titles on
    set-option -g set-titles-string '[#S:#I #H] #W'
    # auto-set window title
    setw -g automatic-rename
    setw -g aggressive-resize on
    # vim keybinds
    set-option -g status-keys vi
    set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
    # scroll inside the current pane
    #bind-key k page-up
    #bind-key l page-down
    # mouse
    set -g mode-mouse on
    setw -g mouse-select-window on
    setw -g mouse-select-pane on
    # scrollback buffer n lines
    set -g history-limit 100000
    # fixes shift-pageup/shift-pagedown
    set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
    set -g visual-activity on
    # faster key repetition
    set -s escape-time 0
    # activity alert
    setw -g monitor-activity on
    set -g visual-activity on
    # alt+directions navigates through panes
    bind-key -n M-left select-pane -L
    bind-key -n M-right select-pane -R
    bind-key -n M-up select-pane -U
    bind-key -n M-down select-pane -D
  • kindrobot
    kindrobot almost 8 years
    While bind -n Pageup copy-mode -u does allow me to press PgUp to enter copy-mode and scroll up, I can't then use PgUp to keep scrolling up.
  • mdip
    mdip over 5 years
    I'm not sure if it's the version of tmux I'm running or not, but the -t parameter is not recognized (however, -T works) Possible typo?
  • 79E09796
    79E09796 almost 5 years
    +1 but bind -n Pageup if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys Pageup" "copy-mode -u; send-keys Pageup" was required to get Pageup to continue scrolling up on multiple presses.
  • smido
    smido over 4 years
    Most probably a typo but also not it doesn't make sense together with -n, as this is a shortcut for -T root
  • SRobertJames
    SRobertJames over 2 years
    Works well! How do you exit scroll mode afterwards, so that you can type in the term normally?