TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of undefined in AngularJS directive


What's happening is when you add another slider it uses the same handler and container references as the first one. As append will actually move the element if it currently exists in the DOM, it is removed from the first directive.

You need to create new elements for each instance (or clone them). http://plnkr.co/edit/CC2bCXdaoAo7HjQ0oAu0?p=preview

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Hope to learn more from everyone

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • thanhquanky
    thanhquanky about 2 years

    I am making a directive "Tab Slide Out" in AngularJS like this

    angular.module('myApp',[]).directive('tabSlideOut', ["$window", "$document", "$timeout", function($window, $document, $timeout) {
        // default settings of a regular tab slide out
        var defaultSettings = {
            speed: 300,
            action: 'click',
            tabLocation: 'left',
            top: '200px',
            left: '50px',
            fixedPosition: true,
            positioning: 'absolute',
            onLoadSlideOut: false
        // handler element
        var handler = angular.element('<a class="handler btn">{{title}}</a>');
        // panel element aka container
        var container = angular.element('<div ng-transclude></div>');
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            transclude: true,
            replace: true,
            template: '<div class="tab-slide-out"></div>',
            scope: {
                options: "=",
                status: "=",
                title: "@"
            compile: function(template) {
                // append handler to template
                // append container to template
                // return linking function
                return function(scope, element, attrs) {

    If I use only one, everything works fine. However, if I use 2 or more, it will throw this error TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of undefined

    Here is the plunker link Demo