Unix Command to grep a time range


Try egrep:

pttrn="2014-12-04 0[0-9]"
pttrn="${pttrn}|2014-12-04 1[0-6]"
pttrn="${pttrn}|2014-12-04 17:00:00"

egrep "${pttrn}" <logfile>

The egrep pattern contains three parts. The first part grabs everything from 00:00:00 to 09:59:59. The second part grabs everything from 10:00:00 to 16:59:59, and the third part grabs 17:00:00.


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IT Director by day, tech enthusiast, homebrewer, dad, husband, etc by night. Things I use: slackware,Linux, Windows, windows phone, VirtualBox, Tiki, AD, Subsonic, Amahi, Powershell, and more. Things I'm learning: iOS programming; PowerShell Find my tech blog [tiki.gmartin.org][1] [1]: http://tiki.gmartin.org

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • uSlackr
    uSlackr almost 2 years

    I have a log file, saved with particular date. I wanna fetch log entries during a particular time and date range to another file.

    Ex: all entries from 2014-12-04 00:00:00 time to 2014-12-04 17:00:00

  • wurtel
    wurtel over 9 years
    True; you could leave out the :00 part, but then again there would have to be at least one log line per hour. Personally I'd adapt the script to fit the data; perhaps even apply some perl foo.
  • G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica'
    G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica' over 9 years
    Your first egrep eliminates values beginning with 08 or 09 (i.e., times between 08:00 and 09:59), and the second one allows 17:10, 17:20, 17:30, etc..., to get through.
  • Daniel Goldfarb
    Daniel Goldfarb over 9 years
    @G-Man Thanks. You're right. I think I've fixed it now.
  • G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica'
    G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica' over 9 years
    That looks like it should work. It could be simplified to egrep "2014-12-04 (0[0-9]|1[0-6]|17:00:00)".
  • Community
    Community over 2 years
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