Updating Angular JS directive when Service changes


You can inject the service while defining the directive and then set up a $watch on the data. So in your case:

.directive('tree', function ($compile, myService) {
    return {
        // ...
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.$watch(function () {
                return myService.getData();
            function (newVal) {
                if (typeof newVal !== 'undefined') {
                    // ...

This will watch the data for change and run the code each time the data changes.

However, if the data does not change after being set once, a better way (more efficient) would be to return a promise from the service ($http methods returns a promise directly or you can create one using the $q service) and then add your computation as a continuation to the data.

.directive('tree', function ($compile, myService) {
    return {
        // ...
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            myService.getData().then(function (data) {
                // ...
            }, function (err) {
                // Handle error

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Updated on July 04, 2022


  • Jack
    Jack about 2 years

    I'm attempting to follow this SO answer explaining how to render a recursive JSON structure using a directive. However, unlike the answer provided, my data is not known when the DOM is loaded and Angular runs for the first time.

    Instead, my data is retrieved from an HTML input field and stored in an Angular Service (when the user submits the form).

    How can I keep an Angular Directive up-to-date when the Service's data is modified?

    Update in response to answer

    @musically_ut provided an excellent answer that has helped, but revealed a related problem, preventing an implementation (updated here).

    The directive renders HTML that contains Angular {{expressions}} which access data stored in $scope. Since the original solution was to $watch when the service had it's data ready. How can I ensure the 'new' data is added to $scope before the directive renders?

    An overview of the architecture and flow is:

    1. ControllerA -> Get input from user
    2. ControllerA -> Use service to transform data
    3. ControllerB -> $watch for changes in service
    4. Directive -> $watch for changes in service
    5. ControllerB -> Add data to $scope
    6. Directive -> Display transformed data (from service) using directives

    The problem is between steps 5 and 6. The directive renders {{expressions}} before ControllerB has added the data to $scope. Even if this did work, it feels way too complex and 'hacky'.

    In fact, to regress, I'm using $watch in ControllerB to listen for when the transformed data is ready in a service. Even this feels a little overkill (the service makes no asynchronous calls).

  • Jack
    Jack over 10 years
    Thank you. However, the problem is that the directive renders expressions that make use of the JSON data in the $scope. The code for your directive runs when service updates, but what if it runs before the service data can be placed in $scope? This occurs because my data is retrieved from ControllerA, but the directives are rendered in ControllerB. I $watch myService.getData() in ControllerB and set the data in $scope. However, my directives are rendering before ControllerB adds the updated data to $scope.