Upgrade Ubuntu 12.10 >>> Ubuntu 13.04 Black Screen Boot Failed with Nvidia Geforce Gt630 WHY?


Here is what happened... you are TEMPORARILLY modifying the grub boot parameters. You need to permanently modify them. So you need to add nomodeset to your /etc/default/grub/

I will assume you are using Ubuntu with unity for my example: Open a terminal and type:

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

look for the line that says: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and change it too: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset" Then, (VERY IMPORTANT) save the file and run this command:

sudo update-grub

Reboot without troubles!


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Albert Rial
Author by

Albert Rial

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Albert Rial
    Albert Rial almost 2 years

    1) I downloaded the iso of ubuntu desktop 64bit.
    2) I burned the iso.
    3) I tried to start the installation of ubuntu 13.04 from DVD

    Black screen Black screen Black screen

    4) http://www.ashwinraon.com/2012/08/how-to-solve-ubuntu-blank-screen-boot/ or http://ubuntuguide.net/no-input-signal-and-boots-into-blank-screen-after-ubuntu-installation “Press and hold down Shift key from Bios screen until see the Grub menu. Highlight the first entry, press “e” to edit it. Navigate to words “quiet splash”, delete them and type “nomodeset” in their place (without quotes). Press Ctrl + X to continue boot.”

    5) I ran the installation but after rebooting >>>> Black Screen

    6) “Press and hold down Shift key from Bios screen until see the Grub menu. Highlight the first entry, press “e” to edit it. Navigate to words “quiet splash”, delete them and type “nomodeset” in their place (without quotes). Press Ctrl + X to continue boot.”

    7) Boot ok. Ubuntu 13.04 started.
    8) I installed drivers Nvidia 313.30 certified with Synaptic.
    9) I created the file / etc/X11/xorg.conf for resolution 1980x1020 (Samsung SyncMaster PX2370)

    With Ubuntu 12.04 & Ubuntu 12.10 installation no boot problem no Black Screen. Also directly upgrading Ubuntu 12.10 (sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo update-manager -d) I had the same problem

    Someone can explain why all this is happening?

    Thank You!