Using a vnc client through ssh tunnel


Several options are available. First you need to setup a TCP tunnel.

If the port forwarding to the local network is not disabled in the sshd_conf at host 1, then this would be enough:

ssh -t -L 5901:ip-of-host2:5901 user@Host1

Otherwise you need to build a chain of port forwardings:

ssh -L 5901: user1@Host1 ssh -L 15901: user@host2

if the password authentication is used to connect to host2 then add a -t option to the first ssh:

ssh -t -L 5901: user1@Host1 ssh -L 15901: user@host2

Then use vncviewer of your choice to connect to the display localhost:1. I prefer to use TigerVNC.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • ampc
    ampc over 1 year

    Laptop(osx-home network)------>Host1(linux-pc-college network)---->Host2(linux-pc-using vncserver on port 5901, can only be accessed from host1)

    I can access host2 through ssh using:

    • [user@laptop ~]$ ssh user1@host1
    • [user1@host1 ~]$ ssh user2@host2

    I need to access host2 vncserver using a ssh tunnel from "laptop". Any recommendation, also, which vnclient is suitable for this task?

  • ampc
    ampc over 11 years
    Thanks @serge that worked. Now I just need to config vncserver. It displays file manager windows like
  • Serge
    Serge over 11 years
    I don't know why. I have no experience with Mac