Using gevent monkey patching with threading makes thread work serially


When threads are monkey patched in gevent, they behave as coroutines. This means that you have to explicitly yield control to make it possible for other coroutines to execute.

The way to do this is call a blocking operation that has been patched (this will yield automatically) or gevent.sleep:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from gevent import monkey, sleep
import threading

class ExampleThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
        for i in xrange(10):
            print 'working'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    worker = ExampleThread()
    print 'this will be printed after the first call to sleep'

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Updated on June 08, 2020


  • yossi
    yossi about 4 years

    I am using gevent and I am monkey patching everything.
    It seems like the monkey patching causes the threading to work serially.

    My code:

    import threading
    from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()
    class ExampleThread(threading.Thread):
        def run(self):
            do_stuff()  # takes a few minutes to finish
            print 'finished working'
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        worker = ExampleThread()
        print 'this should be printed before the worker finished'

    So the thread is not working as expected.
    But if I remove the monkey.patch_all() it is working fine.
    The problem is that I need the monkey.patch_all() for using gevent (now shown in the code above)

    My solution:

    I changed the




    so I am not patching the thread.

  • yossi
    yossi over 12 years
    i have edited my question. i cant use sleep because my work takes a few minutes,
  • jcollado
    jcollado over 12 years
    @yossi If you have a task that takes a long time to complete and isn't possible to yield control at some point, then you need real threads instead of coroutines. In such a case, I'd say you're better off not patching threads.
  • Merlin
    Merlin almost 12 years
    I found this interesting. What would be the use case of this vs the standard theading module.
  • jcollado
    jcollado almost 12 years
    @Merlin The motivation section in PEP342 might be a good source for that. In summary, threads aren't really cheap and if we need a lot of them, then it's worth considering alternatives.
  • F79
    F79 almost 5 years
    how to use this?