Using myBatis with dynamic table name and object


Use @Param annotation like this

@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "", flushCache = true)
public int write(@Param("tablename") String tablename,
                 @Param("object") Object object) throws Exception;

and query

INSERT INTO ${tablename} (column1, column2) VALUES (#{object.column1}, #{object.column2})
Author by


Updated on June 07, 2022


  • derək
    derək almost 2 years

    I'm about to create a dynamic SQL insert using myBatis, where the table name and the object holding the parameters are different. Something like this:

    INSERT INTO ${tablename} (column1, column2) VALUES (#{column1}, #{column2})

    The interface method would be this:

    @Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "id", flushCache = true)
    public int write(String tablename, Object object) throws Exception;

    Where the Object holds the field values:

    class Object {
      int id;
      String column1;
      String column2;
      getters, setters...

    Unfortunately I can't find out how to do this, the best and working way I found is when the table name is a property of the Object, so the myBatis can read the value in this way. For some practical reason I'd like to avoid this approach, maybe someone has a better idea? Thanks.

  • derək
    derək about 10 years
    Thanks for the answer, I did not know it can be identified the object and its property in the query. And of course it worked at the keyProperty = "".