Using xfreerdp to connect to Remote Desktop Gateway Server


This is how you use a remote desktop gateway but as of writing I think there may be a problem with sslv3 support in the version I used which is FreeRDP version 1.1.0-beta1 (git n/a)

xfreerdp /g:<RD gateway ip or hostname> /gu:<RDGatewayUser> /gd:<RDGatewayDomain> /gp:<RDGatewayPassword> /v:<computer>
connected to
connected to
SSL_connect: Failure in SSL library (protocol error?)
SSL_connect: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
Error: protocol security negotiation or connection failure

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I am trying to use Remote Desktop connection on Linux. After some research, it seems that xfreerdp can do what I need. The basic usage example provided by that tool is:

    xfreerdp /u:CONTOSO\\JohnDoe /p:Pwd123! /

    Some comments:

    • /u corresponds to User name: in picture 1
    • /v corresponds to Server name: in picture 2

    I also need to enter a Computer name: (see picture 1). How could xfreerdp take this into account?

    enter image description here enter image description here

    I am ok with using another tool other than xfreerdp if it can accomplish this as well.

    • Admin
      Admin almost 6 years
    • Admin
      Admin almost 6 years
      /v: corresponds to Computer on Pic1. Pic2 is about RD Gateway which is another story, you hardly need it unless you know you do
    • Admin
      Admin almost 6 years
      Could you provide a command I can use that takes into account the "Computer:", "User name:" and "Server name:" fields shown the pictures? @Tagwint
    • Admin
      Admin almost 6 years
      Here it is xfreerdp +clipboard /size:1920x1145 /u:'[email protected]' /p:'SuperSecurePwd!' / -grab-keyboard No need of specifiyn Server name in my case. Are you sure you need it in yours?