Visio 2010 Professional No Database Tab


For #2...I managed to find this thread from the Microsoft TechNet forums that discusses this: Visio 2010 Professional No Database Tab

From the post:

If you still don't see the Database tab on the ribbon in a new Database Model Diagram go to File/Options/Trust Center/ Trust Center Settings.../Add-ins/Disable all Application Add-ins (may impair functionality) is unchecked.

And I apologize for my first answer. Somehow I read "Visual Studio" instead of Visio.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • techV
    techV over 1 year

    I have a query like below :

     IEnumerable<qryTable1> templates = from t in db.qryTable1
                                               where (t.GID == 1&&
                                               t.RID == 4 && t.CID == "user")
                                               select t;

    Let say, Above query returns following result:

    TId GId RId CID
    1    1   1   a
    1    1   2   a
    2    1   1   a
    2    1   2   a
    3    1   1   a
    3    1   2   a

    Now I want to get result from the above query like below:(removing RId column so that result have duplicate entries having only TId,GId,CID and then group the result by TId).

    TId GId  CID
    1    1    a
    2    1    a
    3    1    a

    Also , I want to get the desired output in template object only.It means result should be in 'IEnumerable<qryTable1>' object.

    • stuartd
      stuartd almost 8 years
      If you're not running an aggregate on the group by, isn't this then a distinct query?
    • techV
      techV almost 8 years
      I have edited the question at bottom.. please see
    • juharr
      juharr almost 8 years
      What value do you want for RId if you want qryTable1 entities?
    • techV
      techV almost 8 years
      it can be null or zero. I just need the above desired result. please help.
  • gipsey
    gipsey over 12 years
    I already tried that, it's already unchecked.
  • Aaron
    Aaron over 12 years
    Which edition of Visio 2010 do you have? There's a related post that explains why this is important:… ...unless that's not what you're looking for.
  • gipsey
    gipsey over 12 years
    I am running Visio Professional 2010 version 14.0.4760.1 (32-bits)