What is a (raid-controller-) BBU for?


Solution 1

It doesn't power the disks, it just keeps the data in the cache for (in this case) up to 72 hours until you bring the machine back on line. When you power the machine back up it will write the contents of the cache back out to the disks.

All it does is protect against a power failure. If (for some reason) the machine loses power without cleanly flushing the data out to disk the battery keeps the cache contents alive until you can restart the machine.

It is not a UPS for disks, as the disks could be in an external disk array, or even on a different power circuit. Even a UPS could fail.

Solution 2

It works like this:

Most operating systems have a system call that allows a so-called "synchronous write". This means that during a write operation, if a write has completed then it's guaranteed that it was committed to disk.

Synchronous write is therefore non-cached. It blocks the application until it has completed. This kind of operation is obviously slower than cached write which keeps data in OS memory until disk is idle enough and then writes the data.

Some critical software, such as database software, perform synchronous writes for critical data because a half-written update in case of a power loss can be detrimental to the database integrity.

RAID controllers are notoriously slow with RAID-5 writes so this becomes a problem if your application software uses a lot of synchronous writes. For this reason, RAID-5 controllers are equipped with their own caches.

What the RAID controller does is it writes the data to its cache instead and LIES to the OS, telling it that it committed the data to disk whereas the data is actually still in RAID cache.

But what if power was lost while the data was still in RAID controller's buffer? You'd have a half-written and probably inconsistent data on your disks.

You may say that this behaviour defeats the purpose of a synchronous write... if it was ok to have a cached write then the app software wouldn't ask for a sync write in the first place.

The compromise is this: RAID controller still lies to the OS that it committed the data to disk, but to protect this critical data in case of a power failure, RAID controller has a battery that keeps the cache alive for some time until power can be restored.

So after the power comes back and the disks spin up and initialize, the controller still has that data in its cache thanks to the battery and can finish writing your transaction to disk.

Everyone's happy.

This is why RAID controllers usually won't let you enable write cache unless you have a functional and charged battery unit.

Solution 3

It's worth mentioning that some newer disk controllers now come with high-speed-flash cache that retains the data for far longer than the typical 72 hours, it is often quite a lot larger too (~1GB). If you need part details let me know.

Solution 4

Think of that BBU cache as adding a similar level of protection to that afforded by a journaled file system. It's there in order to allow transactions, simple writes in this case, to be completed if they are interrupted by a power failure. Once power drops the controller cannot continue to write, as that would result in completely unpredictable results. Instead, it holds the data as long as it can and will finish writing it if/when power resumes. What it does not do is act like a UPS for the drives.

Solution 5

Getting that $100 battery is a must, especially on a DB server, even though power failures are rare. Even if you have transactions enabled, and your server loses power before those changes have left the cache and are committed to disk, you will be left with an incomplete query, or corrupted data.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • tanascius
    tanascius almost 2 years

    I am wondering what's the purpose of a BBU. My first understanding was, that it enables the cache to write the data to the disc during a power failure. But some specifications say that a BBU can hold its data for up to 72h. I'd expect the data to be written to the disc within milliseconds (given, that the disc still has power, too).

    So should a BBU not just protect the cache, but the whole disc for some seconds, too? Wouldn't that be even more secure, because the cache data is written to the disc instead of being around in the cache and waiting for power again? After a second or so, the disc could be shut down.

    • Hecter
      Hecter almost 14 years
      Although RAID batteries do not power the actual drives, there is something in our world that resembles what you originally had imagined: some server-grade SSDs have "supercapacitors" that provide backup power to commit cached writes during the milliseconds following a power failure.
  • tanascius
    tanascius over 14 years
    So the difference to an UPS for disks is that it is designed for a scenario where the disks are not on same power circuit? In all other cases (controller and disks in one circuit) an UPS would be superior? I still would prefer that the last commands are written to the disk instead of waiting in the cache during a power failure.
  • tanascius
    tanascius over 14 years
    But when I have an UPS for the drives + controller - what for do I need the BBU? Only for a scneario where the UPS failes, too?
  • tanascius
    tanascius over 14 years
    Thanks for the info, but I am no Sysadmin and will probably never design a professional RAID ... I am just curious about the BBU :)
  • JamesRyan
    JamesRyan over 14 years
    So buy a UPS for your server as well then! A BBU doesn't have enough power to run an array of drives. It gives you a large enough window for you to get power back up and to save out the changes. Most outages are very short and most people don't need the added expense of a UPS for non vital machines.
  • ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells
    ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells over 14 years
    All the BBU does is keep the data in the cache until you restart the computer. The controller knows what has been flushed out to disk (the disk signals that the operation has been finished). Anything not flushed out to disk is preserved until the machine is restarted.
  • John Gardeniers
    John Gardeniers over 14 years
    Good question. If you know that the server will ALWAYS be shut down gracefully then I'm not convinced of the need for a BBU either.
  • ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells
    ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells over 14 years
    A BBU is typically often for write-back configurations. Some RAID controllers won't enable write-back without a BBU present. However, I think it's probably a bad idea to assume that your server will always be shut down properly.
  • Valentin Tihomirov
    Valentin Tihomirov over 8 years
    I would ask about the location of the controller. Is it a part of the mother board or built into the hard drive?
  • Valentin Tihomirov
    Valentin Tihomirov over 8 years
    Also, I would like to know how can OS send proper shutdown request if RAID lies to it when flush is issued?
  • PF4Public
    PF4Public over 6 years
    @ValentinTihomirov There is no such thing as proper or improper shutdown. OS issues powerdown signal and PSU does so, after that power is turned off. As power is turned off, so is volatile memory and all its contents lost!