Why does after_save not trigger when using touch?


Solution 1

Have you read documentation for touch method?

Saves the record with the updated_at/on attributes set to the current time. Please note that no validation is performed and only the after_touch, after_commit and after_rollback callbacks are executed. If an attribute name is passed, that attribute is updated along with updated_at/on attributes.

Solution 2

If you want after_save callbacks to be executed when calling touch on some model, you can add

after_touch :save

to this model.

Solution 3

If you set the :touch option to :true, then the updated_at or updated_on timestamp on the associated object will be set to the current time whenever this object is saved or destroyed this the doc : http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#touch

Luan D
Author by

Luan D

I am passionate about programming, learn and looking for new technology. My dream is travel to around the world. I am a fullstack Ruby on Rails web application with 3 years experience, maintenance and deploy.

Updated on July 24, 2022


  • Luan D
    Luan D almost 2 years

    Recent days , I was trying to cache rails app use Redis store. I have two models:

    class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :products
      after_save :clear_redis_cache
        def clear_redis_cache
          puts "heelllooooo"
          $redis.del 'products'


    class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :category, touch: true

    in controller

    def index
        @products = $redis.get('products')
        if @products.nil?
          @products = Product.joins(:category).pluck("products.id", "products.name", "categories.name")
          $redis.set('products', @products)
          $redis.expire('products', 3.hour.to_i)
        @products = JSON.load(@products) if @products.is_a?(String)

    With this code , the cache worked fine. But when I updated or created new product (I have used touch method in relationship) it's not trigger after_save callback in Category model. Can you explain me why ?

  • Oleg Afanasyev
    Oleg Afanasyev over 7 years
    If all you need is just to trigger after_save callbacks please use save method.
  • Ken Ratanachai S.
    Ken Ratanachai S. about 2 years
    How does this work? :save is a special word for callbacks?
  • Aymeric Bouzy aybbyk
    Aymeric Bouzy aybbyk about 2 years
    it triggers the save method after each touch, which will be a no-op, which will in turn trigger the after_save callbacks (from what I understood, I'm no expert)