Why pipe to cat only to redirect?


Solution 1

cat file | wc | cat > file2

would usually be two useless uses of cat as that's functionally equivalent to:

< file wc > file2

However, there may be a case for:

cat file | wc -c


< file wc -c

That is to disable the optimisation that many wc implementations do for regular files.

For regular files, the number of bytes in the file can be obtained without having to read the whole content of the file, but just doing a stat() system call on it and retrieve the size as stored in the inode.

Now, one may want the file to be read for instance because:

  • the stat() information cannot be trusted (like for some files in /proc or /sys on Linux):

    $ < /sys/class/net/lo/mtu wc -c
    $ cat /sys/class/net/lo/mtu | wc -c
  • one wants to check how much of the data can be read (like in case of a failing hard drive).
  • one just wants to obtain benchmarks on how fast the data can be read.
  • one wants for the content of the file to be cached in memory.

Of course, those are exceptions. In the general case, you'd rather use < file wc -c for performance reasons.

Now, you can imagine even more far fetched scenarios where one may want to use: cat file | wc | cat > file2:

  • maybe wc has an apparmor profile or other security mechanism that prohibits it from reading or writing to files while it's allowed for cat (that would be unheard of)
  • maybe cat is able to deal with large (as in > 232 bytes) files, but not wc on that system (things like that have been needed for some commands on some systems in the past).
  • maybe one wants wc (and the first cat) to run and read the whole file (and be killed at the very last minute) even if file2 can't be open for writing.
  • maybe one wants to hide the failure (exit status) of opening or reading the content of file. Though wc < file > file2 || : would make more sense.
  • maybe one wants to hide (from the output of lsof (list open files)) the fact that he's getting a word count from file or that he's storing a word count in file2.

Solution 2

Both of those examples are useless uses of cat. Both are equivalent to wc < file1 > file2. There is no reason to use cat in this example, unless you are using cat file as a temporary stand-in for something that dynamically generates output.

Solution 3

Let's suppose prog forks a new subprocess and exits, and the new subprocess writes something to its standard output and then exits.

Then the command


won't wait for the subprocess to exit, and it will display the shell prompt early. But the command

prog | cat

will wait for an EOF on the stdin of cat, which effectively waits for the subprocess to exit. So this is a useful use of cat.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • OJFord
    OJFord almost 2 years

    I occasionally see things like:

    cat file | wc | cat > file2

    Why do this?

    When will the results (or performance) differ (favourably) from simply:

    cat file | wc > file2
  • OJFord
    OJFord almost 9 years
    Ha, didn't even catch the first one. Thanks for link :) bookmarked to read the other "useless uses of ~" later.
  • alephzero
    alephzero almost 9 years
    The first usage of cat is not necessarily useless here. The command wc file prints the counters followed by the name of the file. The command cat file | wc does not print the name of the file. The second cat is useless. wc file1 file2 prints two lines of counts, one for each file (plus the file names). cat file1 file2 | wc prints one line with the total counts, and no file names.
  • Lily Chung
    Lily Chung almost 9 years
    @alephzero Reread the answer- cat file | wc is equivalent to wc < file1.
  • Nate Eldredge
    Nate Eldredge almost 9 years
    @IstvanChung: Interestingly, on my system they're actually not equivalent. cat file |wc separates the line/word/character counts with more spaces than wc <file does. I don't know why.
    R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE almost 9 years
    @IstvanChung: They're not equivalent. wc < file1 causes wc to run with stdin being a file descriptor for a regular seekable, mmappable file, file1. cat file1 | wc causes wc to run with a non-seekable pipe on stdin.
  • Reid
    Reid almost 9 years
    +1 for the last sentence. Often, a "useless" cat is a handy placeholder to be able to pop other commands in and out without rearranging the pipeline.
  • jimmij
    jimmij almost 9 years
    Valid point, at least for bash. To test it one may run ( (while ((i<10)); do echo $((i++)); sleep 1; done) & exit ; ) | cat with and without final cat.
  • Iwillnotexist Idonotexist
    Iwillnotexist Idonotexist almost 9 years
    @alephzero +1, but, danger danger: If file1 does not end in a linefeed, then cat file1 file2 | wc will count one fewer lines, and potentially one fewer words, than would wc file1 file2 (which sees the "break" between file1 and file2).
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas almost 9 years
    < file wc > file2 is Bourne and POSIX and also works in (t)csh, rc and es. The only shell I could find that doesn't support it is fish (which is the most modern of them all). It even worked in the pre-Bourne sh of Unix V1 in 1970!
  • Ian Ringrose
    Ian Ringrose almost 9 years
    @StéphaneChazelas, you are assuming that scripts only have to work on "unix"!
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas almost 9 years
    As far as this unix.stackexchange.com Q&A site is concerned, that's Unix-like systems yes (though other POSIX systems are also covered). And as far as this question is concerned, you'd expect a system where cat (a typical Unix command) is available.
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas almost 9 years
    On the other hand, with shells like the Bourne shell, AT&T ksh or yash, prog | cat could return before prog has returned (In those shells, it will return as soon as cat returns, which will happen as soon as prog (and its children if any) has closed all its fds to the pipe)). Try for instance with prog being sh -c 'echo A; exec >&-; sleep 2; echo >&2 B'.