Windows 8 Task Manager without elevating?


Solution 1

Compatibility "shims" can be used to override the manifest; you can start Task Manager with the __compat_layer environment variable set to runasinvoker, e.g. from a command prompt:
set __compat_layer=runasinvoker

Or, use Compatibility Administrator to apply the "RunAsInvoker" compatibility fix to taskmgr.exe so it automatically launches non-elevated.


The RunAsInvoker compatibility shim can be enabled in the registry, without needing the Application Compatibility Toolkit or even installation of an SDB. Here is a registry script to do so (adjust the path as appropriate for your system):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]

Solution 2

I don't have Windows loaded atm., but if the Task Manager is still called taskmgr.exe could you create a shortcut for it and see if Properties, Shortcut, Advanced has the checkbox for "Run as administrator"? Unchecking this will allow it to start non-elevated, without actually changing any setting/policy, right?

P.S. A nice alternative is @ (Process Explorer)


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Ben Voigt
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Ben Voigt

Rainbow logo and associated message do not reflect my views, they've been unilaterally placed next to my name by Stack Exchange, Inc. Currently seeing what can be done about this, discussion at Since Stack Exchange has effectively turned my profile page into a political platform without my foreknowledge or consent, I feel obligated to share my own views: An oligarchy of five justices setting policy for the entire USA is not the government the Constitution guarantees, and it's not the one we want. Not everything President Gerald Ford said was very smart or worth repeating, but this is A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. The USA was designed as a Constitutional Republic, with checks-and-balances between the branches of the federal government, and also division of power between federal state and local governments. (And these are explicitly required by the plain language of the Constitution) All government officials need to stay within the authority granted to them by the Constitution, especially when that means they can't do whatever they want.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt almost 2 years

    In Windows Vista and Windows 7, the task manager ran non-elevated, and you didn't face a UAC prompt unless you chose "View Processes of All Users".

    In Windows 8 Preview, out of the box the Task Manager starts elevated every time. How can I configure it to start non-elevated so I don't get hit with a UAC prompt every time I check CPU usage or view the list of running processes to see if an application closed completely?

    (I am not looking for answers which involve weakening UAC, and I ask the community's help in downvoting any such suggestions.)

  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt over 10 years
    Shortcut properties only apply to launching through the shortcut. So, not right.
  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt over 10 years
    Also, the elevation occurs as a result of an embedded resource of type RT_MANIFEST. The manifest contains requestedExecutionLevel of highestAvailable and autoElevate of true.
  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt over 10 years
    The environment variable definitely worked, but is awkward. Looks like Compatibility Administrator requires running Setup for the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit, but you can select to install only the Application Compatibility Toolkit.
  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt over 10 years
    Unfortunately using Compatibility Administrator does NOT work, Task Manager crashes saying "The requested operation requires elevation."
  • der_koenig
    der_koenig over 10 years
    Not sure if you're still trying on 8 or 8.1, but on 8.1 the Compatibility Administrator method is working for me, with only the "RunAsInvoker" fix applied. Curiously though, the non-elevated task manager is able to kill elevated processes without triggering an elevation prompt... that doesn't seem quite right.
  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt over 10 years
    You have rights to other processes whose primary token lists the same user.... Anyway, the registry activation of the RunAsInvoker shim is working fine, don't know why the .SDB approach failed so miserably. Mind if I edit the registry script into your answer?
  • Ben Voigt
    Ben Voigt over 10 years
    And my test was Windows 8.1 Professional x64, using "Compatibility Administrator (64-bit)"
  • Mormegil
    Mormegil over 10 years
    The registry modification works perfectly on Win 8.1 Professional x64, thanks!
  • palswim
    palswim almost 8 years
    In Windows 10, this doesn't seem to work for the Task Manager in particular, but works as a general solution for other applications.